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We study how adverse selection distorts equilibrium investment allocations in a Walrasian credit market with two …-sided heterogeneity. Representative investor and partial equilibrium economies are special cases where investment allocations are … trade and investment allocations below perfect information levels. The degree of heterogeneity between informed agents' type …
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In the present paper we study the efficiency properties of competitive equilibria in economies with hidden action and multiple goods. We borrow the description of the economy from Lisboa [3] and we apply a method of proof close in spirit to the one used in the literature on incomplete financial...
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A "folk theorem" originating, among others, in the work of Stiglitz maintains that competitive equilibria area always or "generically" inefficient (unless contracts directly specify consumption levels as in Prescott and Townsend, thus bypassing trading in anonymous markets). This paper...
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In this chapter we study dynamic incentive models in which risk sharing is endogenously limited by the presence of informational or enforcement frictions. We comprehensively overview one of the most important tools for the analysis such problems—the theory of recursive contracts. Recursive...
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We extend the standard model of general equilibrium with incomplete markets to allow for default and punishment by thinking of assets as pools. The equilibrating variables include expected delivery rates, along with the usual prices of assets and commodities. By reinterpreting the variables, our...
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We extend the standard model of general equilibrium with incomplete markets to allow for default and punishment by thinking of assets as pools. The equilibrating variables include expected delivery rates, along with the usual prices of assets and commodities. By reinterpreting the variables, our...
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We extend the standard model of general equilibrium with incomplete markets to allow for default and punishment by thinking of assets as pools. The equilibrating variables include expected delivery rates, along with the usual prices of assets and commodities. By reinterpreting the variables, our...
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investment, and output subsidies at the production stage. While these measures stimulate entrepreneurshiip, only cost …
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, progressive taxation as well as investment and output subsidies to the entrepreneurial sector. …
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investment, and output subsidies at the production stage. While these measures stimulate entrepreneurship, only cost …
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