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The goal of this paper is to promote two ideas neglected by economists: sole ownership in fisheries and quantity regulation of a monopoly. By reviewing contemporary literature, the paper constructs an argument that sole ownership would not only solve many problems inherent to Individual...
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Understanding what determines the extent to which economic agents tell the truth to their regulating authority is of major economic importance, from banking to environmental protection. To this end, we examine truth-telling of German commercial fishermen in an artefactual field experiment. Their...
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Sustainable development is a key theme in policy making in Norway. Although it owes a considerable part of its wealth to the carbon-based economy, Norway gives priority to the objectives embodied in the OECD Green Growth Strategy and sees itself as a pioneer in some areas. The sustainable...
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There are several examples of pelagic fisheries that have experienced fishing collapse when facing downward abundance cycles. Improving understanding about pelagic catch's stock dependence can help avoid new cases of fishing collapse. This paper analyses the possible endogeneity of the fish...
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This paper examines how rotation arrangement between two groups of Japanese fishers with different institutional arrangements affects fishing behaviour and economic outcomes in a particular economic environment characterised by price discrimination and product durability. In one group, fishers...
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Introducing a futures market for fishing rights would increase utility for risk averse fishermen. We use the EV model to analyze possible reductions in (expected) profits for futures trading that would make fishermen indifferent between the situation with and without futures markets. It is found...
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This article examines the reasons for the decline of Idaho's salmon runs, analyzes several ineffective past attempts at restoration, and evaluates a number of remaining options to prevent extinction of Idaho salmon. The article explains how and why, over a half-century, Idaho salmon have had...
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The global management of whale species, identified as an economic mixed good, is addressed by means of economic theory of bargaining and institution making. I will analyse (i) why it is important to take into account explicitly both (consumptive) use and non-use values within international...
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Nineteenth century treaties promised Pacific Northwest Indian tribes the right of taking fish in common with the citizens... The meaning of those ten words has produced numerous court decsions in the ensuing century-and-a-half, including a half-dozen from the U.S. Supreme Court. This article...
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The saga of Columbia Basin salmon recovery is one of the foremost natural resource restoration efforts in the United States over the last quarter-century. Although development of the world's largest integrated hydroelectric system crippled the Columbia's salmon runs, Congress declared in 1980...
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