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We use dynamic panel analysis to examine whether credit rating agencies achieve what they claim to achieve, namely, look into the future when assigning their ratings. We find that Moody's ratings help predict individual financial ratios over a horizon of up to five years. Ratings also predict a...
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I study the use of credit ratings in debt contracts. When debt contracts use credit ratings rather than accounting ratios to enforce restrictions on borrowers, there is likely to be increased pressure on rating agencies to cater to borrower incentives. I investigate whether the explicit use of...
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Credit rating agencies (CRAs) very often have been criticized for announcing inaccurate credit ratings and are suspected of being exposed to conflicts of interest. Despite these objections CRAs remained largely unregulated. Based on Pagano & Immordino (2007), we study the optimal regulation of...
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In this study, we examine whether managers rank risk factors and list them in order of their importance in Item 1A of the 10-K. We focus on firms' credit risk disclosures and where they are positioned in Item 1A. Firms that place the credit risk factor closer to the beginning have lower credit...
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The crises of 2002 and 2008 have raised the issue of banking sector's ranking system efficiency. The CRAs are crucial … factors that affect the ratings and to create a prediction mechanism.In order to do that, all ranking evaluations have been …, sovereign-country ranking, and loan growth. Three econometric methods (Probit, Logit, OLS) have been used to create a system …
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Outright bank failures without prior indication of financial instability are very rare. Supervisory authorities monitor banks constantly. Thus, they usually obtain early warning signals that precede ultimate failure and, in fact, banks can be regarded as troubled to varying degrees before...
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This paper presents the Australian courts' definitions of employee and independent contractor. It highlights where the franchisee fits, being indistinguishable at times from an employee and at other times from an independent contractor. If the franchisor becomes insolvent, the failure of the law...
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We use a method similar to Google’s PageRank procedure to rank banks in the Canadian Large Value Transfer System (LVTS). Along the way we obtain estimates of the payment processing speeds for the individual banks. These differences in processing speeds are essential for explaining why observed...
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Recently, economists have argued that a bank’s importance within the financial system depends not only on its individual characteristics but also on its position within the banking network. A bank is deemed to be “central” if, based on our network analysis, it is predicted to hold the most...
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