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volatility of a time series. We derive the main properties of the model and apply it to all agricultural commodities in the … volatility process and, according to homoscedasticity tests, outperforms the ARCH(1) and GARCH(1,1) models, some of the most … popular approaches used in the literature to analyze price volatility. Keywords: Agricultural prices, volatility, GARCH models. …
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In this paper we develop a general framework to analyze state space models with timevarying system matrices where time variation is driven by the score of the conditional likelihood. We derive a new filter that allows for the simultaneous estimation of the state vector and of the time-varying...
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volatility estimation is considered. The empirical analysis is performed on futures contracts of both the Standard and Poors 500 … importance of taking asymmetric effects (leverage effects) into account in volatility forecasts when it comes to risk management …
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This paper investigates the effect of inflation volatility on private sector credit growth. The results indicate that … private sector credit growth is positively linked to the one period lagged inflation volatility. Given that past monetary … positive response of private sector credit growth to past inflation volatility suggests a credible monetary policy regime in …
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This study compares the performance of GARCH-Type models in modelling inflation volatility in Nigeria covering the … asymmetric volatility models. The empirical examination observes evidence of volatility persistence in the consumer price indices … the role of structural breaks for inflation rate volatility in Nigeria will yield misleading and invalid policy …
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day. However, the volatility persistence of ARCH-type models is reflected with relatively high VaR estimates for longer … specified time horizon. -- Bootstrapping ; inflation ; inflation-indexed futures ; Mexico ; Value at Risk ; volatility …
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This paper investigates persistence of Swiss consumer price inflation using aggregate and disaggregate inflation data covering 1983-2008. We document that persistence of sectoral inflation rates is below persistence of aggregate inflation. Our main finding is that inflation persistence...
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This paper carries out another evaluation on a highly debated property of inflation dynamics, namely its persistence. We study inflation dynamics for the United States since 1959 with a time-varying methodology where the intercept, variance and persistence are allowed to vary over time. We...
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innovation on inflation, a Stochastic Volatility in Mean model (SVM) has been employed. SVM models are generally used to capture … models. Empirical evidence provided here suggests that innovations in inflation volatility increases inflation persistently …
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between oil tail risks and inflation volatility (variance of consumer prices) in all our sample countries barring Germany. In … consumer prices, indicating that high risk associated with the oil market causes an increase in the volatility of consumer …
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