Showing 1 - 10 of 59
If young professionals start their career with a temporary contract, this can have far-reaching implications, as uncertain economic relations make it harder to plan for the future both professionally and in terms of starting a family. Analyses based on data from the socio-economic panel from...
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Im Rahmen der vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) und vom Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) in Auftrag gegebenen Gesamtevaluation von zentralen ehe- und familienbezogenen Leistungen wurden in der vorliegenden Studie die Auswirkungen öffentlich...
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In Germany, it has become conventional wisdom that the economic uncertainty associated fixed-term employment contracts prevents young couples from realizing their desire to have children. From a research perspective, it is however far from clear whether fixed-term contracts are the obstacle to...
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We study the short- to medium-run effects of starting a career on a fixed-term contract on subsequent fertility outcomes. We focus on the career start since we expect that temporary contracts and their inherent economic uncertainty implies a path dependency which might have spill-over effects on...
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We study the short-to medium-run effects of starting a career on a fixed-term contract on subsequent fertility outcomes. We focus on the career start since we expect that temporary contracts and their inherent economic uncertainty imply a path dependency which might have spill-over effects on...
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We study the short- to medium-run effects of starting a career on a fixed-term contract on subsequent fertility outcomes. We focus on the career start since we expect that temporary contracts and their inherent economic uncertainty imply a path dependency which might have spill-over effects on...
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Die Förderung institutionalisierter Kinderbetreuung durch die öffentliche Hand ist eines der zentralen Elemente in der deutschen Familienpolitik der letzten 20 Jahre. Während bereits zum 1. Januar 1996 ein Rechtsanspruch auf Tagesbetreuung für Kinder ab dem vollendeten dritten Lebensjahr...
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Im Rahmen der vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) und vom Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) in Auftrag gegebenen Gesamtevaluation von zentralen ehe- und familienbezogenen Leistungen wurden in der vorliegenden Studie die Auswirkungen öffentlich...
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We study the short- to medium-run effects on subsequent fertility of starting a career with a fixed-term contract. We focus on career start since we expect that temporary contracts and their inherent economic uncertainty imply a path dependence that might have spill-over effects on other domains...
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German fertility rates are far below the replacement level, meaning that its population is projected to shrink. This implies a threat to sustainable economic growth and the stability of the social security system. Thus, fertility behavior is of highest interest for policymakers. Economic...
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