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build harmonious corporate culture. -- Harmonious corporate culture ; Harmony ; Corporate culture …
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The current article unveils and analyzes important shades of meaning for the widely discussed term "talent management". It not only grounds the outlined perspectives in incremental formulation and elaboration of this construct, but also is oriented to exploring the underlying reasons for the...
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Berkshire Hathaway, among history's largest and most successful corporations, shuns middlemen; its chairman, the legendary investor Warren Buffett, excoriates financial intermediaries. The acquisitive conglomerate rarely borrows money, retains brokers, or hires consultants. Its governance is...
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In diesem Bericht werden die Zwischenergebnisse der Begleitforschung 2012 bis 2013 zum Modellvorhaben LandZukunft des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) vorgestellt. Das Modellvorhaben läuft von 2012 bis Ende 2014 in vier aus ursprünglich 17 Landkreisen ausgewählten...
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Viele nordamerikanische multinationale Unternehmen versuchen, standardisierte Verhaltenskodices in ihren europäischen Tochtergesellschaften zu implementieren, um Verhaltenweisen zu kontrollieren und um eine homogene Unternehmenskultur zu entwickeln. Durch die starke nordamerikanische...
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Das Thema der geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede in den Karrierechancen wird kontrovers diskutiert. Verschiedene Studien belegen, dass im europäischen Vergleich in Deutschland das Potential, insbesondere bei gut ausgebildeten Frauen, nach wie vor nicht ausgeschöpft wird. Diese Studie soll...
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Several investigations came to the conclusion that, considering in retrospect, most Mergers & Acquisitions were not successful. Differences in the corporate cultures are often quoted as being responsible for the failures. So, the question arises how such failures can be prevented in future....
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Ethical leadership matters. Organizational culture drives compliance and culture is transmitted and reinforced by communications through multiple channels, notably including the observation by employees of management behavior. In particular, employees judge the legitimacy of an organization's...
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Management scholars are beginning to provide empirical evidence that organization identity (OI) can be a powerful means of reducing agency costs. We examine whether an individual's identity with the firm influences the agency costs associated with incentive contracts, namely earnings...
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We study whether financial reporting risk is associated with job satisfaction, company culture, and opinions of senior leadership. We use novel data on employees' perspectives obtained from the website Glassdoor, covering 14,282 firm-years in the period 2008-2015. We argue that poorly...
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