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In this paper, we consider a robust method of estimating a realized covariance matrix calculated as the sum of cross products of intraday high-frequency returns. According to recent papers in financial econometrics, the realized covariance matrix is essentially contaminated with market...
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these forecasts. In this paper we analyse these effects on the context of dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) models when … for return, volatilities, conditional correlation and VaR that is robust to outliers. The results are illustrated with …
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-frequency intraday returns. It disentangles covariance estimation into variance and correlation components. This allows to estimate …
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High-frequency financial data allow us to estimate large volatility matrices with relatively short time horizon. Many novel statistical methods have been introduced to address large volatility matrix estimation problems from a high-dimensional Ito process with microstructural noise...
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Several novel statistical methods have been developed to estimate large integrated volatility matrices based on high-frequency financial data. To investigate their asymptotic behaviors, they require a sub-Gaussian or finite high-order moment assumption for observed log-returns, which cannot...
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We study the problem of estimating the parameters of a linear median regression without any assumption on the shape of the error distribution -- including no condition on the existence of moments -- allowing for heterogeneity (or heteroskedasticity) of unknown form, noncontinuous distributions,...
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The Two-Stage Least Squares (2-SLS) is a well known econometric technique used to estimate the parameters of a multi-equation (or simultaneous equations) econometric model when errors across the equations are not correlated and the equation(s) concerned is (are) over-identified or exactly...
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What is Statistics? Opinions vary. In fact, there is a continuous spectrum of attitudes toward statistics ranging from pure theoreticians, proving asymptotic efficiency and searching for most powerful tests, to wild practitioners, blindly reporting p-values and claiming statistical significance...
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Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods have an important role in solving high dimensionality stochastic problems characterized by computational complexity. Given their critical importance, there is need for network and security risk management research to relate the MCMC quantitative...
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A possible drawback of the ordinary correlation coefficient p for two real random variables X and Y is that zero … correlation does not imply independence. In this paper we introduce a new correlation coefficient p* which assumes values between …
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