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counterproductive when they diminish altruism, ethical norms and other social preferences. Evidence from 51 experimental studies …
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Customary law has been criticized from very different angles. Rational choice theorists claim that what looks like custom is nothing but self-interest. Positivists doubt that anything beyond consent assumes the force of law. In this paper, we adopt an experimental approach to test these claims....
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tension between altruism and "crowding-out" effects (players' efforts are strategic substitutes). We find that more altruistic …
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While the public good experiment has been used to analyze cooperation among various groups in Western Europe and North … Turkish university students informally self govern. By employing the public good experiment among a cohort of students …
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In the Solidarity Game (Selten and Ockenfels, 1998), two "rich" persons can support a "poor" one. A strong positive correlation between one rich person's solidarity contribution and his expected contribution of the other is observed. This paper investigates the causality behind this correlation....
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A substantial body of research suggests that economists are less generous than other professionals and that economics students are less generous than other students. We address this question using administrative data on donations to social programs by students at the University of Washington....
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Concern about potential free riding in the provision of public goods has a long history. More recently, experimental economists have turned their attention to the conditions under which free riding would be expected to occur. A model of free riding is provided here which demonstrates that...
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embodying both reciprocity and altruism we show that unconditional altruism towards other members attenuates the punishment … contributions. Increases in altruism may also reduce the level of benefits from the public project net of contribution costs and … punishment costs. The negative effect of altruism on cooperation and material payoffs is greater the stronger is the reciprocity …
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representative behavioral data from a social dilemma experiment. We identify which survey questions intended to elicit people's trust … correlate well with behaviorally exhibited trust in the experiment. People above the age of 65, highly skilled workers and …
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preferences requires an improved understanding. We conduct an experiment in which individuals in small laboratory "societies …
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