Showing 1 - 10 of 113
The Millennium Development Goals adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2000 have established global targets for development cooperation until 2015. They are being regularly monitored, and one may already now conclude that they will be achieved unevenly across the globe. In that light, it is...
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In recent years, China has become a major power on the African continent, not only with respect to trade and investment, but also as a donor of development aid. Although there is no accurate measure of the exact size of China's aid program, since China rather underestimates the volume in...
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Dieser Beitrag beinhaltet eine modifizierte Fassung des Vortrags, der anlässlich der Verteidigung der Dissertation des Autors an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg am 18. November 2010 gehalten wurde. Das Diskussionspapier vermittelt einen thesenhaften Überblick über den...
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Das vorliegende Diskussionspapier enthält eine Dankesrede und eine Presseerklärung anlässlich der Verleihung des Wissenschaftspreises der Plansecur-Stiftung. Neben einigen persönlichen Bemerkungen fokussiert die Dankesrede im Kern auf die Bedeutung des Wissenschaftspreises der...
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The paper critically analyses the emerging international norm of subsidiarity according to which “Africa are responsible for African conflicts”, which is found to be a possible justification for “buck-passing” on the part of the West, leaving the continent with the fewest military means...
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In der internationalen migrationspolitischen Debatte werden Städte zunehmend als Hoffnungsträgerinnen betrachtet, weil sie schnelle, wirksame und nachhaltige Lösungen für flucht- und migrationsbezogene Probleme finden müssen - diese Einschätzung ist allerdings nach wie vor strittig. Aus...
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The international debate on migration policy increasingly views cities as game changers since cities have to find rapid, efficient, and lasting solutions to problems relating to forced displacement and migration. However, this assessment also has its critics. From a European perspective,...
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The belief in occult forces is still deeply rooted in many African societies, regardless of education, religion, and social class of the people concerned. According to many Africans its incidence is even increasing due to social stress and strain caused (among others) by the process of...
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