Showing 1 - 10 of 79
parameter estimation and consistent model selection. Consistency in parameter estimation is achieved by using the tansformation … consistent estimation of the autoregressive coefficient when the wrong set of exogenous regressors are included. To estimate our …
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processes are assumed to be autocorrelated which makes standard estimation methods infeasible, a simulated maximum Iikelihood …
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making and risk management. Over the past three decades there has been a trend towards increased asset return correlations … models proposed in the literature can be used to formally characterize and quantify market risk. In particular, we ask how … adequate these models are for modelling market risk at times of financial crisis. In doing so we consider a multivariate t …
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In this paper, we study the dynamic interdependencies between high-frequency volatility, liquidity demand as well as trading costs in an electronic limit order book market. Using data from the Australian Stock Exchange we model 1-min squared mid-quote returns, average trade sizes, number of...
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We consider the problem of ex-ante forecasting conditional correlation patterns using ultra high frequency data. Flexible semiparametric predictors referring to the class of dynamic panel and dynamic factor models are adopted for daily forecasts. The parsimonious set up of our approach allows to...
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Regelmäßige Veröffentlichungen makroökonomischer Kennzahlen, die von den Erwartungen der Marktteilnehmer abweichen, wirken sich in rund zwei Drittel der Fälle sofort auf den deutschen Aktienmarkt aus. Vor allem Daten zu Investitionen, Zahlen über die realwirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten oder...
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We model the dynamics of ask and bid curves in a limit order book market using a dynamic semiparametric factor model. The shape of the curves is captured by a factor structure which is estimated nonparametrically. Corresponding factor loadings are assumed to follow multivariate dynamics and are...
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We compared forecasts of stock market volatility based on real-time and revised macroeconomic data. To this end, we used a new dataset on monthly real-time macroeconomic variables for Germany. The dataset covers the period 1994-2005. We used a statistical, a utility-based, and an options-based...
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We model the dynamics of ask and bid curves in a limit order book market using a dynamic semiparametric factor model. The shape of the curves is captured by a factor structure which is estimated nonparametrically. Corresponding factor loadings are assumed to follow multivariate dynamics and are...
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Herd behavior is often viewed as a significant threat for the stability and effciency of financial markets. This paper sheds new light on the relevance of herd behavior for observed correlation of trades. We introduce numerical simulations of a herd model to derive theory-guided predictions...
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