Showing 1 - 10 of 593
This paper analyzes stochastic productive pollution within a model of endogenous growth. The extent to which the agents … perceive their individual influence on aggregate pollution is parameterized. Recursive preferences allow for the separation … stochastic pollution tax, which is uncorrelated with the technological uncertainty of pollution, is compared with a pure …
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This paper analyzes the impact of pollution and abatement policy within a stochastic endogenous growth model. The …
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growth theory: variety expansion (HIP) and quality improvements (VIP). We compare the policies that match the decentralised …
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Environmental policy affects the distribution of market shares if intermediate goods are differentiated in pollution …
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This paper presents a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model for the analysis of environmental policies towards mining activities, and shows for the case of South Africa how it can be implemented numerically. The CGE model belongs to the class of static, trade-focussed models along the lines...
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to determine substitution possibilities between pollution and abatement and the characteristics of abatement goods. The …
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This paper shows in an empirical context that substantial cost reductions can be achieved in the implementation of Dutch national climate policy by (i) targeting the policy at the stock of greenhouse gases, thus allowing polluters flexibility in their timing of emission reductions; and (ii)...
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Wir untersuchen die gleichgewichtige Entwicklung der Umweltqualität in einem endogenen Wachstumsmodell, wobei die Umweltverschmutzung durch die Güterproduktion verursacht und durch Umweltschutzausgaben verringert wird. Nehmen die Wirtschaftssubjekte nur einen Teil ihres individuellen...
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This study develops a theoretical general equilibrium model to examine optimal externality tax policy in the presence of externalities linked to one another through markets rather than technical production relationships. Analytical results reveal that the second-best externality tax rate may be...
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