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-based Predictive Model (EFPM). Then, we combine it with the Copula-GARCH simulation model and the Mean-Conditional Value at Risk (Mean-CVaR …, Sharpe ratio, maximum drawdown, and 99% CVaR. …
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Countless test statistics can be written as quadratic forms in certain random vectors, or ratios thereof. Consequently, their distribution has received considerable attention in the literature. Except for a few special cases, no closed-form expression for the cdf exists, and one resorts to...
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A popular risk measure, conditional value-at-risk (CVaR), is called expected shortfall (ES) in financial applications …. The research presented involved developing algorithms for the implementation of linear regression for estimating CVaR as a … function of some factors. Such regression is called CVaR (superquantile) regression. The main statement of this paper is: CVaR …
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with risk measured by CVaR and additional sophisticated constraints. The cash outflow shortages are penalized in the …
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, we estimate two long memory models, the Fractional Integrated Asymmetric Power-ARCH and the Hyperbolic-GARCH with …
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value at risk (CVaR). To be more exact, we attempt to reveal the extent to which the risk given by CVaR can be estimated … different confidence levels for CVaR, and the contribution of the identified factors in explaining CVaR was determined … preferences. In addition, portfolio optimisation was performed in the mean-CVaR framework characterised by using CVaR as a measure …
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Cumulative Prospect Theory (CPT) is rooted in behavioural psychology and has demonstrated to possess sufficient explanatory power for use in actual deci­ sion-making problems. In this study, two distinct asset classes (i.e. assets with extremely lower or higher CPT values) are classified and...
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Blockchain and cryptocurrency are gradually going mainstream with new cryptocurrencies introduced every single day. The speculative nature of these digital assets expose their prices to large fluctuations. Trading these crypto-assets necessitate an adequate understanding of this emerging market...
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In this study, we analyze three portfolio selection strategies for loss-averse investors: semi-variance, conditional value-at-risk, and a combination of both risk measures. Moreover, we propose a novel version of the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II and of the strength Pareto...
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-side investment optimisation strategies. We begin by comparing Markowitz with CVaR, and then proceed to evaluate the relative …
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