Showing 1 - 10 of 149
Der Bestimmung risikoadäquater Diskontierungssätze kommt bei der Unternehmensbedeutung eine zentrale Bedeutung zu. Wird zu deren Bestimmung in der praktischen Anwendung das CAPM verwendet, gilt es dabei, risikolose Zinssätze und Risikoprämien zu bestimmen, für die erwartete Renditen des...
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Turnovsky (1995) derives in a continuous-time model of a decentralized economy that the correct specification of the firm's objective function is to maximize the initial value of its outstanding securities. The firm value is the discounted flow of real earnings. For the discrete-time version of...
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Alle modernen Verfahren der Unternehmensbewertung basieren auf der Diskontierung von risikobehafteten Größen …
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One possible conclusion from recent experimental research on decision making under risk is that observed behaviour can … of the subjects and most of the choice problems under risk. However, it turns out that for decision problems under …
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This paper considers how optimal education and tax policy depends on the risk properties of human capital. It is demonstrated that a key feature of human capital investments is whether they increase or decrease wage risk. In a benchmark model it is shown that this feature alone determines...
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+ XM] dominates the lottery [XN + XM, YN + YM] via (N + M)th-order stochastic dominance. The basic idea is that a decision …
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information. We conducted three studies to test the PH empirically by analyzing individual choice patterns, decision times and … information search parameters in diagnostic decision tasks. Results on all three dependent variables conflict with the predictions … of the PH and can be better explained by the CPT. The predictive accuracy of the PH was high for decision tasks in which …
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deal with particular decision situations. A model by Caplin and Leahy (2001) will also be discussed and contrasted with the …
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, offers an epistemically consistent framework within which to construct particular models to deal with particular decision …
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Several models of choice under uncertainty imply systematic violations of transitivity of preference. Our experiments explored whether people show patterns of intransitivity predicted by these models. To distinguish "true" violations from those produced by "error", a model was fit in which each...
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