Showing 1 - 10 of 1,265
We show that the choice of the welfare measure has a substantial impact on the degree of welfare-related health inequality. Combining various income and wealth measures with different health measures, we calculate 80 health concentration indices. The influence of the welfare measure is more...
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A particular shortcoming of panel surveys is potential bias arising from selective attrition. Based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) we analyze potential artifacts (level, structure, inequality of income) by comparing results from two independently drawn panel...
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This paper delivers new insights into the development of income inequality and regional stratification in Germany after unification using a new method for detecting social stratification by a decomposition of the GINI index which yields the obligatory between- and within-group components as well...
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In this paper an alternative approach with regard to poverty measurement is discussed: the so-called decomposition approach. This method differentiates between various social groups in the sense that for each group a separate poverty line is determined. E. g., household size might be a criterion...
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This paper analyzes the interaction between intergenerational wealth transmission, human capital investments under uninsurable labor income risk, and economic growth in a small open overlapping-generations economy with heterogeneous agents. It demonstrates how the role of the personal income...
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Eine Untersuchung des ifo Instituts zeigt, dass schon die Hartz-Reformen durch den Abbau der Arbeitslosigkeit zu einer Verringerung der Ungleichheit auf dem Arbeitsmarkt geführt haben. Selbst bei ausschließlicher Betrachtung der Beschäftigten zeigt sich eine deutliche Trendwende um das Jahr...
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Deutschland ist ein Land, das kräftig von oben nach unten umverteilt, innerhalb von Haushalten, durch Steuern und Transfers sowie auch durch die Bereitstellung öffentlicher Güter: In kaum einem anderen Land ist die Differenz zwischen der Ungleichheit der Brutto- und Nettoeinkommen größer...
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The recent resurgence of income inequality in some of the core societies has spawned a wide-ranging debate as to the culprits. Progress in this debate has been complicated by the fact that many of the theories that have been developed to account for the inequality upswing imply radically...
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We provide an analytical framework within which changes in income inequality over time are related to the pattern of income growth across the income range, and the reshuffling of individuals in the income pecking order. We use it to explain how it was possible both for 'the poor' to have fared...
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We provide an analytical framework within which changes in income inequality over time are related to the pattern of income growth across the income range, and the reshuffling of individuals in the income pecking order. We use it to explain how it was possible both for ?the poor? to have fared...
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