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distance between business partners is still relevant even when information and communication technologies (ICT) provide …
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A unilateral tax on CO2 emissions may drive up indirect carbon imports from non-committed countries, leading to carbon leakage. Using a gravity model of carbon trade, we analyze the effect of the Kyoto Protocol on the carbon content of bilateral trade. We construct a novel data set of CO2...
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In this paper we examine the impact of major disasters on international trade flows using a gravity model. Our panel data consists of more than 170 countries for the years 1962-2004 yielding approximately 300,000 observations. We find that the driving forces determining the impact of such events...
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The paper analyzes whether the political regime of a country influences its involvement in international trade. Firstly, we develop a theoretical model that predicts that autocracies trade less than democracies. Secondly, we test the predictions of the model empirically using a panel of more...
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Since the early 1990s many empirical studies have been conducted on the impact of international migration on international trade, predominantly from the host country perspective. Because most studies have adopted broadly the same specification, namely a log-linear gravity model of export and...
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This paper uses a gravity framework to investigate the effects of distance as well as subnational and national borders … border effects stem from the metropolitan level rather than state. Second, border and distance effects decrease with the age … distance effects are interestingly increasing. Finally, we find that (assignee) self-citations and aggregation bias are two …
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Using a gravity-type explanation of international trade flows at the industry level, it is shown that the pattern of comparative advantage in terms of sectoral export/import ratios in bilateral trade can be explained by relative income and relative per capita income. Total income of a country is...
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In this paper we test the well-known hypothesis of Obstfeld and Rogoff (2000) that trade costs are the key to explaining the so-called Feldstein-Horioka puzzle. Using a gravity framework in an intertemporal context, we provide strong support for the hypothesis and we reconcile our results with...
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parts and components with its trading partners. The paper also found that the spatial distance and transportation costs have …
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explain movements on both margins. A Tobit estimation of this model resolves the so-called ?distance-puzzle?. It also finds …
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