Showing 1 - 10 of 330
This paper examines both the determinants and the effects of changes in the rigidity of labor market legislation across countries over time. Recent research identifies the origin of the legal system as being a major determinant of the cross-country variation in the rigidity of employment...
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This paper investigates the effects of legal minimum wages on wages, employment, hours worked and monthly earnings among workers covered by minimum wage legislation as well as those for whom it does not apply (the uncovered sector) in Costa Rica. This country?s large uncovered sector and complex...
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This paper contributes to our understanding of the impact of institutions on incomes of workers in developing countries by rigorously addressing the question as to whether changes in minimum wages can change the inequality of the distribution of earnings. More specifically, we analyze whether...
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In this paper I analyze the effects of information and communication technology (ICT) on compensation shares of high-, medium-, and low-skilled workers. Com- pared to other studies, I investigate this question using a considerably richer data set with respect to the length of time series, set of...
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This paper analyses theoretically and empirically how employment subsidies should be targeted. We contrast measures involving targeting workers with low incomes/abilities and targeting the unemployed under the criteria of approximate welfare efficiency (AWE). Thereby we can identify policies...
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Labour market dynamics according the individual working hour tension (preferred working hours minus actual working hours) of active people with focus on the self-employed, as professions and entrepreneurs, and employees are investigated in our study. The individual longitudinal analysis based on...
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Die Studie untersucht die Einkommen und die Einkommensverteilung der Freien Berufe anhand der Mikrozensusergebnisse für die neuen und alten Bundesländer 1991. Sie folgt dem grundlegenden Papier über die Struktur und die quantitative Bedeutung der Freien Berufe anhand derselben Mikrodatenbasis...
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aktuellen Steuerreform 2000/2005 wird in Deutschland der Karlsruher Entwurf diskutiert, der versucht, über eine drastische …
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Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht aus einer mikroökonomischen Perspektive die Determinanten des Einkommens aus einer freiberuflichen Tätigkeit.Im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Veröffentlichungen stützen sich die Analysen auf eine primär zu den Freien Berufen erhobene neue Datenbasis...
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hoher Arbeitseinkommen (Reichtumsgrenze 200% des Mittelwertes) der Selbständigen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland …
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