Showing 1 - 10 of 41
Die Werbeeinstellung gilt als besonders verhaltensprägend und zugleich beeinflussbar durch die werbliche Kommunikation. Damit wird ihr eine zentrale Rolle als Vermittler von Werbewirkung zugesprochen. Allerdings wurde diese Vermittlerrolle bisher nur bei neuen Produkten mit unbekannten...
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We investigate the life cycle patterns of households’spending on medium value durables. We use panel data on expenditures on appliances and consumer electronics the British Household Panel Study between 1997 and 2008. In cross section, expenditures for appliances and consumer electronics...
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This paper examines the socio-economic consequences of teenage motherhood for a cohort of British women born in 1970. We apply a number of different methodologies on the same dataset, including OLS, a propensity score matching estimator, and an instrumental variables estimator, using...
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In Deutschland ist jedes fünfte Kind arm, in Großbritannien fast jedes dritte. Alleinerziehende und deren Kinder haben ein besonders hohes Armutsrisiko. In Großbritannien leben etwa 15 % aller Kinder bei Alleinerziehenden, in Westdeutschland sind es etwa 9 %. Aber auch innerhalb dieser...
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Why are there such large differences in living arrangements across Western European countries? Conventional economic analyses have not been successful in explaining differences in living arrangements and particularly the dramatic increase in the fraction of young adults living with their parents...
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Societies socialize children about many things, including sex. Socialization is costly. It uses scarce resources, such as time and effort. Parents weigh the marginal gains from socialization against its costs. Those at the lower end of the socioeconomic scale indoctrinate their daughters less...
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Teen motherhood continues to be high in the US and the UK relative to most other western European countries. While recent research has clarified how effective policies to reduce teen motherhood might be (Kearney (2009)), there remains little evidence that quantifies the causal effects of teen...
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We consider the misreporting of illicit drug use and juvenile smoking in self-report surveys and its consequences for statistical inference. Panel data containing repeated self-reports of 'lifetime' prevalence give unambiguous evidence of misreporting as 'recanting' of earlier reports of drug...
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This paper uses UK panel data to shed further light on the fall in spending at retirement (the “retirement-consumption puzzle”). It compares the profiles of spending and well-being at retirement for different groups, defined according to whether retirement is voluntary or involuntary. Where...
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This paper assesses the accuracy of decomposing income risk into permanent and transitory components using income and consumption data. We develop a specific approximation to the optimal consumption growth rule and use Monte Carlo evidence to show that this approximation can provide a robust...
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