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Extending the controversial findings from the relevant literature, the results from the quarterly transaction-based Nationwide indices from 1974 to 2009 provide further empirical evidence on the rejection of the weak-form version of efficiency in the U.K. housing market. In addition to...
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The substantial fluctuations in house prices recently experienced by many industrialized economies have stimulated a vivid debate on the possible implications for monetary policy. In this paper, we ask whether the U.S. Fed, the Bank of Japan and the Bank of England have reacted to house prices....
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This paper presents a hedonic housing price model for the city of Glasgow in Scotland. The major innovation of the research is the use of hierarchical clustering techniques to identify property submarkets defined by a combination of property types, locations and socioeconomic characteristics of...
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Previous work on hedonic price functions tends to have focused on one of a number of specification and estimation issues; namely, market segmentation, choice of functional form, multicollinearity or spatial autocorrelation. The purpose of this paper is to bring together these various strands to...
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Recent advances in the theoretical understanding of equilibria in property markets predict that the equilibrium hedonic price function will typically be highly nonlinear. Rather than adopting progressively more flexible econometric specifications to deal with this nonlinearity we adopt an...
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A frequent assumption of hedonic price estimation using property market data is that spatial autocorrelation of regression residuals is a feature of the error generating process. Under this assumption, spatial error dependence models that impose a specific spatial structure on the error...
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This paper uses a unique data set on more than 600,000 mortgage contracts to estimate a credit supply function which …
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Informationally efficient prices are a necessary requirement for optimal resource allocation in the real estate market. Prices are informationally efficient if they reflect buildings' benefit to marginal buyers, thereby taking account of all available information on future market development....
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Nach den Vereinigten Staaten drohen nun auch andere Länder in eine Immobilienkrise abzurutschen. Besonders in Großbritannien und Spanien sprechen bereits viele Anzeichen dafür, dass eine solche Krise bereits ausgebrochen ist, aber auch Frankreich könnte - neben einer Reihe von kleineren...
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To promote the financial stability, there is a need for an early warning system to signal the formation of asset price misalignments. This research provides two novel methods to accomplish this task. Results in this research shows that the conventional unit root tests in modified forms can be...
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