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The economic and social crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe and around the world is without precedent since World War II if not before. With more than 40 million known cases in Europe in one year, and over 900 000 deaths (March 2020 to March 2021), governments have stepped up their...
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This working paper is intended to shed light on a pressing issue: the apparent growth-dependency of European welfare states at a time of weak growth prospects and strong criticisms of growth. Indeed, while the notion of going beyond GDP growth is gaining momentum in the European Union, as...
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The purpose of this paper is to explore whether the 'Fit for 55' update of the European Union's CO₂ regulation is up to the task of fixing its past mistakes and putting Europe on course to reach net zero mobility by 2050, while also dealing with the new set of challenges that arises with the...
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This paper – based on a report by a Task Force established by the International Relations Committee (IRC) of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) – reviews macroeconomic and financial stability challenges for acceding (Bulgaria and Romania) and candidate countries (Croatia and...
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The German economy coped with the end of Russian gas and could have equally withstood an April 2022 cut-off. - Recently released GDP numbers confirm that the German economy withstood the end of Russian gas imports and even avoided slipping into a recession last winter. This outcome would seem to...
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Aufgrund des schwachen Wachstums werden die 90er Jahre für das lange Zeit wachstumsverwöhnte Japan als verlorenes Jahrzehnt angesehen. Die dauerhafte wirtschaftliche Schwäche, die nach dem Platzen der Blase an den Vermögensmärkten einsetzte, hält immer noch an. Um die Faktoren...
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Italien leidet politisch und ökonomisch unter der Finanzkrise in der Europäischen Union. Das Wachstum ist negativ und die Arbeitslosigkeit steigt. Obwohl die Neuverschuldung verringert wurde und die Handelsbilanz Überschüsse aufweist, bleibt ein Zinsspread bestehen. Zudem ist zu befürchten,...
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This paper reports estimates of the economic impact of HIV/AIDS in the Asian and Pacific region using a standard growth model. Following previous research on this issue, an economywide aggregate production function is estimated with health capital as an input. HIV/AIDS is assumed to influence...
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