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The Travel Cost Method (TCM) estimates recreational use values through the analysis of travel expenditures incurred by consumers to enjoy recreational activities. The multiple destination or multipurpose problems arise when tourists either visit other attractions or have any other purpose in the...
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We investigate the possibility of exploiting partial correlation graphs for identifying interpretable latent variables underlying a multivariate time series. It is shown how the collapsibility and separation properties of partial correlation graphs can be used to understand the relation between...
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This paper reviews literature in and around new institutional economics to assess its contributions to, and limitations in, research on environmental decision-making and governance. The paper also proposes ways to increase the fruitfulness of new institutional approach for environmental...
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If environmental quality positively affects the productivity of labor in R&D and pollution is caused by the use of a non-renewable resource, it is socially optimal to postpone extraction and to intertemporally adjust R&D effort.
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This paper distinguishes relative risk aversion and resistance to intertemporal substitution in climate risk modelling. Stochastic recursive preferences are introduced in a stylised numeric climate-economy model using preliminary IPPC 1998 scenarios. It shows that higher risk aversion increases...
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This paper provides an overview of the latest developments in methodologies for assessing the vulnerability of coastal zones to climate change at regional and local scales. The focus of vulnerability assessment in coastal zones used to be on erosion and land loss due to sea-level rise....
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Many predictions and conclusions in climate change literature have been made on the basis of theoretical analyses and quantitative models that assume exogenous technological change. One may wonder if those policy prescriptions hold in the more realistic case of endogenously evolving...
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. Thus the study of this phenomenon represents a challenging endeavor. While most economics papers begin with theory and … support that theory with econometric evidence, the literature on Environmental Kuznets Curves has proceeded in the opposite …
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We are interested in three related questions: (1) How should accounting prices be estimated? (2) How should we evaluate policy change in an imperfect economy? (3) How can we check whether intergenerational well-being will be sustained along a projected economic programme? We do not presume that...
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issues of global environmental competitiveness.The work is presented here in three main parts beginning with the theory …
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