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Propensity score matching provides an estimate of the effect of a 'treatment' variable on an outcome variable that is … largely free of bias arising from an association between treatment status and observable variables. However, matching methods … undermine the conclusions about causal effects from a matching analysis. Instrumental variables (IV) estimation provides an …
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Macroeconomists have long been concerned with the causal effects of monetary policy. When the identification of causal effects is based on a selection-on-observables assumption, non-causality amounts to the conditional independence of outcomes and policy changes. This paper develops a...
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nonparametric matching and weighting estimators of the average treatment effects and their properties are examined. …
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The need to evaluate the performance of active labour market policies is not questioned any longer. Even though OECD countries spend significant shares of national resources on these measures, unemployment rates remain high or even increase. We focus on microeconometric evaluation which has to...
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using matching methods. Because precise estimation of the expected counterfactual is particularly important in regions …
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Force Survey, we apply a matching method to decompose the wage gap in Switzerland. Compared to the traditional Oaxaca …In this paper, we investigate the gender wage differentials for Switzerland. Using micro data from the Swiss Labour …
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This paper develops a life-cycle approach to equilibrium unemployment. Workers only differ respectively to their distance from deterministic retirement. A non age-directed search equilibrium is then typically featured by increasing (decreasing) firing (hiring) rates with age and a hump-shaped...
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linear matching based on the estimated propensity score to estimate the average treatment effect on the treated of SPST …
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administrative data set, we apply matching and regression methods to measure the effect of the Hartz reform in Germany, which …
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propensity score matching methods we extend the picture that has been sketched in previous studies by estimating treatment …
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