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This study was prepared by Sven Neelsen while he was working with the ifo Institute for Economic Research. It was completed in December 2011 and accepted as a doctoral thesis by the Department of Economics at the University of Munich in May 2012. The study investigates long-run effects of...
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The paper discusses the salience of the Finno-Ugric links in substantiating intra-EU cooperation among Finland, Estonia and Hungary. The focus is on investigating evidence of such cooperation in the EU's human rights and minority rights related policies towards the Russian Federation and other...
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With the Eastern Enlargement successfully completed, the EU is searching for a proper balance between internal security and external stabilisation that is acceptable to all sides. This paper focuses on an EU foreign policy instrument that is a case in point for this struggle: EC visa...
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With the change of government in 2019 to a Social Democratic leadership, the future of Danish foreign and security strategy is uncertain - not only its substance but also whether dedicated strategizing will be continued. This question is only becoming more urgent with the global reach of the...
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Mit der Präsidentschaft Joseph Bidens sind in Deutschland und anderen EU-Staaten hohe Erwartungen an einen "Neustart" der transatlantischen Beziehungen verbunden. Die Handlungsspielräume auch dieses Präsidenten werden allerdings wesentlich mitbestimmt von langfristigen Trends in der...
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Indien ist seit den 1990er Jahren international aufgestiegen. Die wichtigsten Ursachen dieses Erfolgs waren die Wirtschaftsreformen seit 1991 und die neuen internationalen Konstellationen nach dem Ost-West-Konflikt. Beides verschaffte dem Land in globalen Fragen deutlich mehr Gewicht. Allerdings...
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India has risen internationally since the 1990s. The most important reasons for this success are its economic reforms since 1991 and new international constellations since the East-West conflict. Both have earned the country a significantly greater say on global issues, but India's rise is quite...
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Dieser Bericht gibt einen systematischen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der deutschen Digitalpolitik und den derzeitigen politischen Ansatz der Bundesregierung. Das Papier unterbreitet 48 Empfehlungen, wie sich Deutschland noch stärker um den erfolgreichen Aufbau einer soliden,...
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