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Verfügen Eltern über keine guten Deutschkenntnisse, haben die Kinder deutliche Nachteile im deutschen Bildungssystem. Einer eigenen Auswertung des Soziooekonomischen Panels zufolge hatte im Jahr 2019 bei 10,5 Prozent der unter 16-Jährigen mindestens ein Elternteil und bei 5,2 Prozent hatten...
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Eine Auswertung des Mikrozensus zeigt, dass im Jahr 2017 rund 2,4 Millionen Kinder und Jugendliche in Deutschland in …
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The aim of this paper is to analyze and estimate salient characteristics of unemployment dynamics. Movements in unemployment are viewed as "chain reactions" of responses to labour market shocks, working their way through systems of interacting lagged adjustment processes. In the context of...
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The empirical literature on unemployment almost exclusively focuses on the duration of distinct unemployment spells. In contrast, we use a large German administrative micro data set for the time span 1975-2004 to investigate individual lifetime unemployment (defined as the total length of all...
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Mehr Beschäftigung und weniger Arbeitslosigkeit kann es in einer Marktwirtschaft nur geben, wenn die …, solange Arbeitslosigkeit herrscht (Ziffern 28–48), den Gleichgewichtsmechanismus zu stärken, indem das Regelwerk für Arbeit …
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The expansion of Western European production accelerated in the first half of 1997. Exports were the main engine, driven by a devaluation of European currencies and strong growth abroad. Domestic demand also picked up somewhat led by investment in machinery and equipment. Inflation remained at...
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An Englishman once watched his first American football game. He looked intently as the team gathered into a huddle after each play. His American host asked him what he thought of the proceedings. “Not a bad sport,” remarked the visitor, “but they do seem to engage in an excessive number of...
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This paper evaluates complementarities of labor market institutions and the business cycle in the context of a stochastic dynamic general equilibrium model economy. Matching between workers and vacancies with endogenous time spent in search, Nash-bargained wages, payroll taxation, and...
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Although the standard work week is longer in East than in West Germany, there is a higher incidence and average amount of unpaid overtime worked in the new states. We try to explain the striking differences in unpaid overtime by analyzing the labor supply side. We focus on the investment...
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Aufgrund der nach wie vor äußerst unbefriedigenden Lage auf dem Arbeitsmarkt wird intensiv nach Lösungen gesucht, diese Situation zu verbessern. Dabei sind, nicht zuletzt aufgrund ihrer geschichtlichen Entstehung als "Kinder der Not" (Marburger Bank o. J.), auch die Genossenschaften in den...
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