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The class and social structure of developing nations has undergone profound transformation in recent decades as each nation has incorporated into an increasingly integrated global production and financial system. National elites have experienced a new fractionation. Emergent...
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Foreign direct investment (FDI) has grown far more rapidly than trade during the last two decades. As with the other prominent features of globalisation, FDI is controversial. The impact of FDI on labour markets has been of growing concern, particularly, for source countries. The deterioration...
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In this paper we compare the patterns of trade and financial integration by exploiting network analysis. Our results show that, by combining binary and weighted network analysis, it is possible to deliver more precise and thorough insights on the topological structure and properties of the...
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technology, globalization tends to lead to convergence. Moreover, under non-convex technology trade and migration tend to be …
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The activities of multinational enterprises drive the economic globalization process to a very large degree. This paper … lists some facts about their dominant role in all channels of globalization. Therefore, the importance of multinational …' activities in the analysis of the globalization process. …
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Die Analyse der Patentanmeldungen deutscher Unternehmen am Europäischen Patentamt zeigt: Die Unternehmen lenken ihre Forschungsaktivitäten im Ausland vor allem in die Hochtechnologiebereiche, in denen sie seit langem besonders intensiv forschen. Dies sind die Elektrotechnik, Steuerungstechnik,...
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We examine the effects of globalization on the size and composition of tax revenues, worker-specific tax burdens, and … increasing mobility of firms and high-income workers, globalization led governments in OECD countries to seek tax revenues from …-2007, they experienced a globalization-induced rise in their personal income tax rate of around 1.5, whereas the top 1% of …
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The Brussels Effect, once emblematic of the EU's alleged influence in shaping global regulations, has now become a factor contributing to global regulatory fragmentation. The EU must recalibrate its trajectory towards a liberal and rules-based trading order, prioritizing widespread regulatory...
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