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This paper introduces a new measure of dependence or jointness among explanatory variables. Jointness is based on the joint posterior distribution of variables over the model space, thereby taking model uncertainty into account. By looking beyond marginal measures of variable importance,...
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We introduce a new hybrid approach to joint estimation of Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) for high … lower cost in capital reserves. In ES estimation the hybrid model yields the smallest error statistics surpassing even the …
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-Gaussian dependency structures with a small number of parameters. In this paper we develop a novel adaptive estimation technique of the …
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problems for estimation and inference. This paper compares two alternative methods for carrying out estimation and inference in … application to company returns provides an illustration of the alternative estimation procedures. …
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We introduce a new, factor based bootstrap approach which is robust under heteroskedastic error terms for inference in functional coefficient models. Modeling the functional coefficient parametrically, the bootstrap approximation of an F statistic is shown to hold asymptotically. In simulation...
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Recently, a body of academic literature has focused on the area of stable distributions and their application potential for improving our understanding of the risk of hedge funds. At the same time, research has sprung up that applies standard Bayesian methods to hedge fund evaluation. Little or...
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probability estimation have certain drawbacks. Most importantly, standard estimators tend to underestimate the true default … present an empirical Bayes approach to default probability estimation and apply the estimator to a comprehensive sample of …
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. This may seem surprising as derivatives on subsets of the traded goods require a precise modelling and estimation of the …
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Accurate prediction of the frequency of extreme events is of primary importance in many financialapplications such as Value-at-Risk (VaR) analysis. We propose a semi-parametric method for VaRevaluation. The largest risks are modelled parametrically, while smaller risks are captured by the...
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Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimation procedure to cope with the documented difficulties of previous methodologies. We …
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