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This paper studies stabilisation policies in a multi-country currency union of small open economies. It abstracts from key factors favouring currency union formation, such as reduced transaction costs and enhanced credibility, which are exogenous to the factors studied here. Demand-side shocks...
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In this paper we analyze how the availability of credit influences the relationship between government size as a proxy for fiscal stabilization policy and the amplitude of business cycle fluctuations in a sample of advanced OECD countries. Interpreting relatively low loan-tovalue ratios as an...
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In this note, I examine how the responsiveness of the Swedish public budget to business-cycle conditions has developed between 1998 and 2009. I document substantial changes in three components behind the budget elasticity: (i) the average level of personal income taxes has fallen substantially,...
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The stagnation of the economy in the Euro area since 2000 is closely connected to the dominance of purely long-run supply-side oriented policies in the Euro area. While exports and profits soared, domestic demand has been weak. The neglect of cyclical and demand factors appears to be the major...
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This paper provides an overall picture of the Philippine business cycles covering the period 1981 to 2003 by characterizing them in terms of volatility, co-movement and persistence. As a trend-cycle decomposition technique, the most frequently used Hodrick Prescott filter was applied. The period...
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Die deutsche Wirtschaft ist abermals heftigem Gegenwind ausgesetzt. Der Krieg in der Ukraine führt zu hohen Rohstoffpreisen, neuen Lieferengpässen und schwindenden Absatzmöglichkeiten. Die hohen Rohstoffpreise verringern die Kaufkraft der verfügbaren Einkommen und dämpfen damit den privaten...
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Die Erholung der deutschen Wirtschaft verzögert sich. Die Vorsichtsmaßnamen zum Infektionsschutz sowie die anhaltenden Lieferengpässe dürften im Winterhalbjahr zu einer Delle im Aufholprozess führen. So wird sich dann wohl vor allem bei den besonders von der Pandemie belasteten...
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In reaction to disruptions of the Single Market, the European Commission put forward an emergency instrument. It proposes far-reaching measures in order to maintain the proper functioning of the Single Market and ensure the supply and distribution of goods and services. The dirigiste...
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