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in levels of fatal risk. The paper contrasts VSL estimates from conventional analysis with the bounds obtained under this …
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policy relevant outcomes and policy effects, that of the wage premia for fatal injury risk. Estimates of the overall hedonic …
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-Economic Panel (GSOEP) within individually perceived hazards of work accidents as a risk variable, evidence for compensating wage …
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Numerous studies, in particular for the US, have shown that individuals in occupations with high injury risk are … compensated for that risk by corresponding bonus payments. At the same time, male workers are overrepresented in the most … Germany and the US considering fatal occupational injury risk. The Blinder-Oaxaca method for tobit models is used to decompose …
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Rapid price decreases for ICT-products in the 1990s have been largely attributed to the introduction of hedonic price indexes. Would hedonic price indexing also have large effects on measured price and productivity during other technological breakthroughs? This paper investigates the impact of...
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Rapid price decreases for ICT-products in the 1990s have been largely attributed to the introduction of hedonic price indexes. Would hedonic price indexing also have large effects on measured price and productivity during earlier technological breakthroughs? This paper investigates the impact of...
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Diese Arbeit ist die erste empirische Untersuchung, die den Wert eines statistischen Lebens (WSL) für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ermittelt. Die Analysen werden auf der Grundlage eines aus IAB-Beschäftigtenstichprobe und Arbeitsunfallinformationen der Berufsgenossenschaften...
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We use a panel dataset of UK workers to look for evidence of compensating wage differentials for workplace risk. Risk … changes, and endogeneity. We find that if we assume a classical measurement error, the true risk signal would be completely … drowned out in our data, which would imply a severe downward bias of the OLS coefficient on risk. But this prediction is at …
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This paper proposes an assignment model where sorting occurs on attributes including both skills (Sattinger, 1979) and preferences (Tinbergen, 1956). The key feature of this model is that the wage function admits both jobs' and workers' attributes as arguments. Since this function is generically...
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Using a rich and comparable micro-data set, we analyse international differences in gender pay gaps in the private sector for a sample of five European economies: Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Italy and Spain. Using different methods, we examine how wage structure, differences in the distribution...
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