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The article analyses the question whether women and men differ in their tastes for location factors. The question is …. However, the regressions confirm gender differences in terms of intensity, particularly regarding regional wage levels and the …
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disappears for three out of four performance variables. The only exception is sales. No gender difference is found for …
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This paper provides the first evidence on gender differences in investment financing, credit application and credit … analysis of the supply- and demand-side on the credit market shows that women are not more likely to be denied credit but the … probability that they apply for credit is on average lower. Yet, this gender difference in the probability of credit application …
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This paper analyzes gender differences in the investment activity of German small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs … owner characteristics. Furthermore, women’s investment is less sensitive to cash flow, which indicates that it is unlikely … reveals that women have different preferences and attitudes towards investment. They indicate to a lesser extent aspiring and …
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The time devoted to housework in couple households is substantial. Research on intrahousehold time allocations has … generally assumed that housework is a necessary evil and that the partner with the lower opportunity cost of time in the market …
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This paper analyses the effect of housework on men and women?s wages in Denmark by estimating quantile regressions on … each of the years 1987-1991. We find, as in U.S. studies, that housework has negative effects on the wages of women and …, housework has a positive effect on the wages of women and a negative effect on the wages of men, and in fact, high-wage men …
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associated with the division of housework only indirectly through their impact on the length of women's work interruptions. … return affect the division of housework in couples after a birth. By observing several parental leave policy reforms in … housework. The analysis uses multilevel multiprocess models for 1220 birth events of British couples and 1785 births to German …
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This article analyses the extent to which changes in household composition over the life course affect the gender … most recent data available from the Time Use National Surveys. We focus on gender differences in the allocation of time …), we show large discrepancies in the gender division of labour at the different life stages. This gender gap exists in all …
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This paper analyzes the relationship between time allocation decisions of the unemployed, gender, and regional … associated with increases in the time devoted to study by men, and to household production by women, and with decreases in the … time devoted to personal care by men and leisure by women. We also find evidence favoring consumption smoothing as the …
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We propose a new explanation for differences and changes in labor supply by gender and marital status, and in … particular for the increase in married women's labor supply over time. We argue that this increase as well as the relative … and allow agents to trade home labor. This model can generate the observed patterns in US labor supply by gender and …
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