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Poland edged towards hyperinflation towards the latter half of 1989,but inflation fell dramatically after drastic reformswere enacted in January of 1990. We analyse the consistency betweenfiscal deficits and inflation targets and assessPoland's domestic and foreign debt management policies and...
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This paper presents a simple model in which debt management stabilizes the debt-to-GDP ratio in face of shocks to real returns and output growth and thus supports fiscal restraint in ensuring sustainability. The optimal composition of public debt is derived by looking at the relative impact of...
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Commonly used datasets on the level of public debt provide incomplete country and period coverage. This paper presents a new dataset that includes complete series of central government debt for 89 countries over the 1991-2005 period and for seven other countries for the 1993-2005 period. The...
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This paper reviews recent developments in the management of government debt in the euro area, covering both theoretical and practical aspects. It focuses on key aspects of debt management; the objectives of debt management, its organisation, the maturity of debt, inflation-indexation,...
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Herausforderungen beim Schuldenmanagement näher betrachtet. Die Details der gesetzlichen Verpflichtung zur Rückzahlung werden im … transparentes und rechenschaftspflichtiges Schuldenmanagement ist erforderlich, um Generationengerechtigkeit zu gewährleisten. …
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There are two possible responses to the Greek debt crisis: 'Plan A', continued official lending, for as long as needed, with possible voluntary private sector involvement, and 'Plan B', coercive pre-emptive or post-default restructuring with significant face value reduction in privately-held...
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The current financial, economic and fiscal crisis is among other things characterised by complex interrelations between financial, fiscal, macroeconomic and political instability. One instability breeds another, with feedback loops generating self-reinforcing adverse cycles: The financial crisis...
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Die aktuell verbreitet niedrigen Zinsen mindern die Belastung durch die öffentliche Kreditaufnahme. Doch wird sich die Schuldenstandsquote EU-weit in Richtung auf das Maastricht-Kriterium von 60% des Bruttoinlandsprodukts zubewegen? Der Autor zeigt anhand modellhafter Betrachtungen, dass der...
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The correct understanding of Greece's debt can only be obtained by using international accrual accounting standards rather than the cash-basis future face value defi nition. Changing the terms of debt changes the value of the debt in Greek governmental fi nancial statements correctly prepared...
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