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The stochastic frontier analysis (Aigner et al., 1977, Meeusen and van de Broeck, 1977) is widely used to estimate individual efficiency scores. The basic idea lies in the introduction of an additive error term consisting of a noise and an inefficiency term. Most often the assumption of a...
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In this paper we study the performance of the GMM estimator in the context of the covariance structure of earnings. Using analytical and Monte Carlo techniques we examine the sensitivity of parameter identification to key features such as panel length, sample size, the degree of persistence of...
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correlation. …
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This paper uses a frequency domain approach to gain insight into the correlation between survey indicators and year … of the correlation between survey indicators and year-on-year GDP growth at the different frequencies to explain their … overall correlation. We show that survey indicators, similar to year-on-year GDP growth, do not perfectly reflect business …
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The Chinese stock market features an interesting history of divided market segments: domestic (A), foreigners' (B) and overseas (H). This puts forth questions of market integration as well as cross-divisional information transmission. We address these issues in a structural DCC framework, an...
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small depending on the shape of the copula of child and parent incomes. Second, we derive a general asymptotic theory for … asymptotic theory to other regressions involving ranks that have been used in empirical work. Finally, we apply our new inference …
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The paper proposes a new method to estimate correlation of account level Basle II Loss Given Default (LGD). The … correlation determines the probability distribution of portfolio level LGD in the context of a copula model which is used to … we apply the maximum likelihood method to estimate the best correlation parameter. The method is applied and analyzed on …
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In the recent years, di usion models for interest rates became very popular. In this paper, we try to do a selection of a suitable diffusion model for the Italian interest rates. Our data set is given by the yields on three-month BOT, from 1981 to 2001, for a total of 470 observations. We...
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A univariate GARCH(p,q) process is quickly transformed to a univariate autoregressive moving-average process in squares of an underlying variable. For positive integer m, eigenvalue restrictions have been proposed as necessary and sufficient restrictions for existence of a unique mth moment of...
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