Showing 1 - 10 of 46
The fluctuations in oil price have vital importance for their presumed role in the trade balance. Our study investigates the oil price fluctuation effect on the trade balance for period 1980-2017. We employ linear and nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag models simultaneously and find the...
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Oil is used as an essential source of energy because it is one of the significant inputs of production especially in manufacturing sectors. This study employs symmetric and asymmetric Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model to explore oil price effect on manufacturing output over 1985-2017 in Saudi...
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The growing interdependency among East Asian countries means that there is concern not only on the way their macroeconomic variables are linked across borders, but also on the way shocks are transmitted as a consequence. This paper investigates the effect of macroeconomic linkages on...
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We investigate the intergenerational effect of parental health shocks on the fertility choices of adult children in China. By using a comprehensive longitudinal dataset of Chinese households, severe and unexpected health shocks to parents have been identified. To address sample imbalance issues...
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This study explores the impact of relationship banking on the financial constraints and loan conditions of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China. Our research contributes to the literature in several ways. First, we examine both the financial costs and loan benefits associated with...
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China's fast growth has been accompanied by rising regional inequality, triggering debate over a policy trade-off between aggregate growth and equity. We set out a three-region model of China in which local government behavior affects local TFP dynamics, and regional inequality itself generates...
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We undertake an empirical assessment of the competitiveness and market contestability of the major British banks post-1980 – a period of major structural changes, mergers, demutualizations and acquisitions. Specifically, we estimate and test the Rosse-Panzar model on a panel of 12 banks for...
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This paper examines the influence of the real price of beer on violence-related injuries across the economic regions in England and Wales. The data are monthly frequency of violent-injury collected from a stratified sample of 58 National Health Service Emergency Departments 1995-2000. An...
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This study examines the productivity growth of the nationwide banks of China over the ten years to 2006. Using a bootstrap method for the Malmquist index estimates of productivity growth are constructed with appropriate confidence intervals. The paper adjusts for the quality of the output by...
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This study demarcates cost-inefficiency in Chinese banks into X-inefficiency and rent-seeking-inefficiency. A protected banking market not only encourages weak management and X-inefficiency but also public ownership and state directed lending encourages moral hazard and bureaucratic rent...
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