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Social surveys are often used to estimate unemployment duration distributions. Survey non-response may then cause a bias. We study this by using a data set that combines survey information of individual workers with administrative records of the same workers. The latter provide information on...
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Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit und deren Bewertung, insbesondere der ökologischen Komponente des Nachhaltigkeitsbegriffs, gewinnt auch in der Holz- und Möbelindustrie immer mehr an Bedeutung. Zugleich ist die Möbelindustrie ein nicht unerheblicher Verbraucher von Holz und Holzwerkstoffen. Für die...
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Durch Energieeinsparungen in der Nutzungsphase eines Gebäudes gewinnen Produktions-, Konstruktions- und Entsorgungsphase eines Gebäudes immer mehr an Bedeutung. Für eine ganzheitliche Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung hat das Europäische Komitee für Normung (CEN) daher einen horizontalen Normensatz...
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This paper considers nonparametric identification and estimation of the regression function when a covariate is mismeasured. The measurement error need not be classical. Employing the small measurement error approximation, we establish nonparametric identification under weak and...
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This paper proposes a powerful alternative to the t-test of the null hypothesis that a coefficient in linear regression is equal to zero when a regressor is mismeasured. We assume there are two contaminated measurements of the regressor of interest. We allow the two measurement errors to be...
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In empirical research it is common practice to use sensible rules of thumb for cleaning data. Measurement error is often the justification for removing (trimming) or recoding (winsorizing) observations whose values lie outside a specified range. We consider a general measurement error process...
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Social surveys are often used to estimate unemployment duration distributions. Survey nonresponse may then cause a bias. We study this using a unique dataset that combines survey information of individual workers with administrative records of the same workers. The latter provide information on...
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Since interventions by the public sector generally commit substantial societal resources, the evaluation of effects and costs of policy interventions is imperative. This paper outlines why program evaluation should follow well-respected scientific standards and why it should be performed by...
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In recent years a number of panel estimators have been suggested for sample selection models, where both the selection equation and the equation of interest contain individual effects which are correlated with the explanatory variables. We review and compare some of these estimators, and apply...
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We consider both a parametric and a semiparametric method to account for classification errors on the dependent variable in an ordered response model. The methods are applied to the analysis of self-reported speaking fluency of male immigrants in Germany. We find that a parametric model which...
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