Showing 1 - 10 of 222
We describe a duopoly model where stockholders assess the relative profitability of delegation versus process innovation. Delegation may not be a dominant strategy. When it is, the game is not necessarily a prisoners' dilemma. Our model yields several equilibria where at least one firm remains...
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In recent years Open Innovation (OI) processes have been receiving growing attention from the empirical and theoretical economic literature, where a debate is taking place on the aspects of complementarity or substitutability between internal R&D and OI spillover. By means of a differential game...
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This paper shows that the introduction of a minimum quality standard can have repercussions on market structure, opening the possibility of predatory behaviour. The predatory equilibrium exists independently of whether or not adjustment costs are present. Moreover, whenever predation is an...
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This paper addresses the link between Contestable Markets and Natural Oligopolies, both considered as a reinterpretation of Bertrand' s Competition. A market with ex ante uncertainty as regards to technology is outlined. Technological uncertainty is solved by a pioneer entering the market with a...
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The aim of this paper is to provide the reader with a simple and systematic analysis of the fundamentals of non cooperative game theory. Special attention is paid to the most controversial tools discussed throughout the specific literature concerning the problems of strategical interdipendence.
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The aim of this paper is to analyse the interaction between vertical differentiation and contestability in the context of a repeated game with discounting. It is shown that, if consumers retaliate after hit-and-round entry and suppliers and reasonably low discount rates, contestability may not hold.
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In this short note, the behaviour of a monopolist in a horizontally differentiated market is analysed. It turns out that her incentive to differentiate is nihil, while both the optimal location choice and the optimal pricing rule depend on the relative size of the parameters involved in the model.
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L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di delineare il ruolo ricoperto dal concetto di integrazione verticale nell'analisi del processo di creazione della ricchezza sia sotto il profilo aggregato, che interessa l'analisi economica, sia sotto il profilo individuale, che interessa la teoria...
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Lo Scopo di questo lavoro è quello di analizzare il rapporto tra curvatura della funzione di costo, qualità del prodotto e benessere nell'ambito di un modello di differenziazione verticale net cast di monopolio privato, monopolio pubblico e duopolio privato. I risultati generati dal modello...
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In this paper, we try to analyse the optimal location choice in a standard game of horizontal differentiation in which firms are free to locate outside the city boundaries. It turns out that the unique Nash equilibium exhibits a finite distance between the sellers, so that the maximum...
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