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We study the conditions for the emergence of cooperation in a spatial common-pool resource game. We consider three types of agents: cooperators, defectors and enforcers. The role of enforcers is to punish defectors for overharvesting the resource. Agents are located around a circle and they only...
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This paper considers a communication network characterized by an endogenous architecture and an imperfect transmission … of information as in Bala and Goyal (2000). We propose a similar network's model with the difference that it is … dominant. Differently from other models, where the network represents only a channel to obtain information or to play a game …
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This paper considers a model of economic network characterized by an endogenous architecture and frictions in the … relations among agents as described in Bala and Goyal (2000). We propose a similar network model with the difference that …
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innovators in the same knowledge network. Assuming the diffusion of knowledge to mirror the geographical pattern of trade - the …
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In this note we compare the laissez-faire steady-state solution in the Howitt and Aghion (1998) model to the social optimum. The analysis offers several new insights in comparison to the welfare analysis in Aghion and Howitt (1992). We find various new distortions between private and optimal...
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the development of a more general theory of the determinants and the effects of TC. In turn, such theory has to deal …
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This paper provides a critique of the ?unemployment invariance hypothesis,? according to which the behavior of the labor market ensures that the long-run unemployment rate is independent of the size of the capital stock, productivity, and the labor force. Using Solow growth and endogenous growth...
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The paper analyzes the contemporary organizational restructuring of production and work within firms. We emphasize the shift from a "Tayloristic" organization of work (characterized by significant specialization by tasks) to a "holistic" organization (featuring job rotation, integration of tasks...
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Within a general equilibrium framework of a developing economy with a foreign owned factor of production, this paper questions whether the informal-formal sector relationship is procyclical/ complementary - expansion or contraction in one necessarily implies an expansion or contraction in the...
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