Showing 1 - 10 of 12
We derive computationally simple and intuitive score tests of neglected serial correlation in unobserved component univariate models using frequency domain techniques. In some common situations in which the alternative model information matrix is singular under the null, we derive one-sided...
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We exploit the rationale behind the Expectation Maximization algorithm to derive simple to implement and interpret LM normality tests for the innovations of the latent variables in linear state space models against generalized hyperbolic alternatives, including symmetric and asymmetric Student...
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We derive closed-form expressions for the Jacobian of the matrix exponential function for both diagonalizable and defective matrices. The results are applied to two cases of interest in macroeconometrics: a continuous-time macro model and the parametrization of rotation matrices governing...
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A linear structure is a family of matrices that satisfy a given set of linear restrictions, such as symmetry or diagonality. We add to the literature on linear structures by studying the family of matrices where all diagonal elements are zero, and discuss two econometric examples where these...
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We propose generalized DWH specification tests which simultaneously compare three or more likelihood-based estimators in multivariate conditionally heteroskedastic dynamic regression models. Our tests are useful for Garch models and in many empirically relevant macro and finance applications...
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We propose a multivariate normality test against skew normal distributions using higher-order loglikelihood derivatives which is asymptotically equivalent to the likelihood ratio but only requires estimation under the null. Numerically, it is the supremum of the univariate skewness coefficient...
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Arellano (J Econ 42:247-265, 1989a) showed that valid equality restrictions on covariance matrices could result in efficiency losses for Gaussian PMLEs in simultaneous equations models. We revisit his two-equation example using finite normal mixtures PMLEs instead, which are also consistent for...
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We propose simple specification tests for independent component analysis and structural vector autoregressions with non-Gaussian shocks that check the normality of a single shock and the potential cross-sectional dependence among several of them. Our tests compare the integer (product) moments...
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Nowadays researchers can choose the sampling frequency of exchange rates and interest rates. If the number of observations per contract period is large relative to the sample size, standard GMM asymptotic theory provides unreliable inferences in UIP regression tests. We specify a bivariate...
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We develop methods for testing the hypothesis that an econometric model is underidentified and inferring the nature of the failed identification. By adopting a generalizedmethod of moments perspective, we feature directly the structural relations and we allow for nonlinearity in the econometric...
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