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This paper documents the activities of the National Food Authority (NFA), particularly on rice marketing, in realizing its mandates of buying high and selling low. Because the Philippine agriculture is greatly affected by extreme climate events such as El Niño and La Niña, this paper...
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This paper investigates the impacts of climate change on the People's Republic of China's (PRC) grain output using rural household survey data. We highlight the regional differences of impacts by estimating output elasticities for different grain crops and different regions. Our results indicate...
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In the Philippines, importation has remained as one of the most feasible options for the government to meet the growing demand for rice. It is thus imperative for the government to develop a strategy that would ensure adequate supply and minimum importation costs. One of the critical factors in...
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This paper tries to characterize the current situation in the Philippines with respect to the goal of the Aquino administration to be food secure and self-sufficient in rice by 2016. Specifically, it aims to address the question: "Should the government continue its efforts in increasing rice...
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Golden Rice has been genetically engineered to produce beta-carotene in the endosperm of the grain. It could improve the vitamin A status of deficient food consumers, especially women and children in the developing world. This paper analyses the potential impacts in a Philippine context. Since...
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In the negotiations on agriculture in the World Trade Organization, it was asserted that an importing state trading enterprise affects the domestic market but not the international market. This claim is investigated through specifying a model of intermediaries in international trade. There are...
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This paper introduces rice to the reader and analyzes the changes it has gone through these past 100 years in the shaping hands of varietal improvement science. Here, the richness of the crop as a genetic material and resource is revealed. Landrace rice, pureline selection rice, crossbred rice,...
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This paper examines the extent to which increases in international food prices during the past few years have been transmitted to domestic prices in selected Asian developing countries. In analyzing the historical data, evidence on price transmission for important food commodities such as rice,...
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Getreide aufgrund reduzierter Produktion, geringeren Exporten, und gestiegenen Handelskosten. Dieser Policy Brief untersucht …) Ein Ende der Exporte ukrainischen Weizens und anderer Getreide für die Lebensmittelproduktion, beispielsweise Mais und … Hirse, 2) Ein möglicher Stopp russischer Getreide- und Düngerexporte, und 3) Der Einfluss gestiegener Handelskosten aufgrund …
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