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Population projections - especially those of the Federal Statistical Office in Germany - are often used for research questions that depend on the future size and structure of the population. Nevertheless, by using the population projections of the Federal Statistical Office the scope of analysis...
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Das Statistische Bundesamt hat am 28.04.2015 nach sechs Jahren eine aktualisierte Fas-sung der koordinierten Bevölkerungsvorausberechnung (KBV) veröffentlicht. In diesem Diskussion-Paper werden die Folgen einer geänderten Bevölkerungsentwicklung beschrieben, indem die volkswirtschafllichen...
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Zur Vorbereitung des Jahresgutachtens 2023/2024 des Sachverständigenrats zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung wurde das IAB um seine Expertise zur Bevölkerungsvorausberechnung, zur Entwicklung der zukünftigen Humankapitalbildung, der Arbeitszeitpräferenzen der...
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Innovations in information- and telecommunication technology render the proximity requirement between business partners obsolete and make business service outsourcing via cross-border trade more feasible. Although the (service-led) growth prospects have been widely discussed, evidence at the...
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This paper challenges the widespread belief that FDI generally has a positive impact on economic growth in developing countries. It addresses the limitations of the existing literature and re-examines the FDI-led growth hypothesis for 28 developing countries using cointegration techniques on a...
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Separate identification of the price and quantity of human capital has important implications for understanding key issues in economics. Price and quantity series are derived for four education levels. The price series are highly correlated and they exhibit a strong secular trend. Three...
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This article contributes new time series for studying the U.K. economy during World War I and the interwar period. The time series are per capita hours worked and average tax rates of capital income, labor income, and consumption. Uninterrupted time series of these variables are provided for an...
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L’évolution de la croissance de l’économie mondiale joue un rôle crucial dans la conduite de la politique monétaire canadienne. À cet égard, les auteurs étudient l’utilité des indices mensuels des directeurs d’achats (PMI) pour la prévision de la croissance du PIB réel à court...
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We examine the contribution of human capital to economy-wide technological improvements through the two channels of innovation and imitation. We develop a theoretical model showing that skilled labor has a higher growth-enhancing effect closer to the technological frontier under the reasonable...
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Uganda has made progress towards the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of halving extreme income poverty by 2015, but there have been intermittent setbacks to the advances made. The incidence of poverty increased in the period 1999/00-2002/03, before falling significantly in the period...
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