Showing 1 - 10 of 571
Wholesale and retail trade affiliates owned by parent firms in manufacturing account for a considerable fraction of overall affiliate sales. Although quantitatively important, this Export-Supporting FDI (ESFDI) activity has received little attention in the literature. This paper includes ESFDI...
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Using a bilateral trade equation derived from a monopolistic competition model, we investigated market access reciprocity in food trade among the US, Canada, the EU and Japan. We explore country and industry-specific market access asymmetry through the border effect approach, re-challenging the...
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A small number of firms have a large market share in the Austrian food retailing market. Market concentration has been growing over the last years which has raised concerns about market power. Previous studies on price setting behaviour in the food retailing market were at the national level and...
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The importance of supermarkets in the world food economy has increased radically since the early 1990s. They are now major sellers and buyers of food items not only in developed but also in developing countries. Urbanization and the liberalization of the services sector have been important...
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Seit Jahrzehnten ist der Lebensmitteleinzelhandel von einem Strukturwandel hin zu weniger und größeren Geschäften … Paper aktuelle Studien und die wissenschaftliche Literatur mit besonderem Fokus auf den Lebensmitteleinzelhandel und den … Lebensmitteleinzelhandel sowie der Ersatz kleinerer Märkte durch größere, um eine hinreichende Auswahl für die sich ausdifferenzierende …
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Lebensmitteleinzelhandel. Wie wirkte sie sich auf Dorfläden und ländliche Verbraucher aus, die traditionell nicht als Digitalisierungspioniere …
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Die gängigen Ladenformate sind in Orten mit weniger als 2.500 Einwohnerinnen und Einwohnern kaum noch wirtschaftlichzubetreiben. Der resultierende Rückzug aus der Fläche bietetim Sinne der Spiraltheorie neue kommerzielle Möglichkeiten für innovative Angebotsformen, wie personalfreie...
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In manual order picking systems, order pickers walk or drive through a distribution warehouse in order to collect items which are requested by (internal or external) customers. In order to perform these operations efficiently, it is usually required that customer orders are combined into (more...
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