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The paper aims to measure transaction costs and its effects on labor market participation and on wage earnings. The observed differences between between buying and selling prices of rice across households are used to calculate transaction costs indices for villages which are incorporated into...
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Getreide aufgrund reduzierter Produktion, geringeren Exporten, und gestiegenen Handelskosten. Dieser Policy Brief untersucht …) Ein Ende der Exporte ukrainischen Weizens und anderer Getreide für die Lebensmittelproduktion, beispielsweise Mais und … Hirse, 2) Ein möglicher Stopp russischer Getreide- und Düngerexporte, und 3) Der Einfluss gestiegener Handelskosten aufgrund …
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Agrarrohstoffmärkten nochmals verstärkt. Die Preise für Agrarrohstoffe, wie Getreide und Pflanzenöle, übersteigen schon seit Herbst 2021 …
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Der Ukrainekrieg hat gravierende Auswirkungen auf die internationalen Agrarmärkte, da sowohl die Ukraine als auch Russland auf dem Weltmarkt eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Schon vor Beginn des Angriffskrieges waren die Getreidepreise auf einem hohen Niveau, was auf eine bereits angspannte...
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This paper investigates the impacts of climate change on the People's Republic of China's (PRC) grain output using rural household survey data. We highlight the regional differences of impacts by estimating output elasticities for different grain crops and different regions. Our results indicate...
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We study the effects of risk and uncertainty on education in Indonesia. Households that face more uncertainty, and that have limited or no access to formal insurance, will have a higher motive for self-insurance and this may have adverse consequences for investment in child education. A key...
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International investors' enthusiasm with respect to growth prospects in Southeast Asia has been followed by panic. Both the outstanding economic performance of Southeast Asian economies and their ability to master adjustment challenges had led most observers of these economies to the conclusion...
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This paper analyzes environmental expenditures in Indonesia – a significant newly industrializing economy – reported at the plant level comprising all 23 thousand manufacturing establishments with more than 20 employees. Since compliance is barely enforced, pollution abatement expenditures...
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We propose a methodology for comparing poverty over multiple periods across time and space without arbitrarily aggregating income over various years or relying on arbitrarily specified poverty lines. Following Duclos et al. (2006a), we use the multivariate stochastic dominance methodology to...
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