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The article tests for a random walk in European equity style indexes. After briefly introducing the efficient market hypothesis, equity styles in general and the used statistical techniques (Variance Ratio Test and modified Rescaled Range Test) it is shown that a random walk in European equity...
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This paper uses an empirical connection between real stock market indices of Germany and the USA for forecasting corresponding returns. We are starting from the random walk as the traditional forecasting model in stock market applications, extending it by co-integration. Since the cointegrating...
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Se estudió el comportamiento de los activos del mercado argentino en relación al mercado estadounidense (probablemente el más desarrollado del mundo en cuanto a legislación, volumen y liquidez). Se llega a la conclusión de que los retornos de los activos no se distribuyen normamente. Para...
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This paper considers a sequence of discrete-time random walk markets with a single risky asset, and gives conditions … selling the next period, with no shorting, and furthermore for weak convergence of the random walk to a Gaussian continuous-time …
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In this paper, we use the Wall Street Journal poll of FX forecasts to analyze how the group of forecasters form their expectations. One focus is whether forecasters build rational expectations. Furthermore, we analyze whether the group of forecasters can be regarded as homogeneous or...
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Despite its important role in monetary policy and finance, the expectations hypothesis (EH) of the term structure of interest rates has received virtually no empirical support. The empirical failure of the EH was attributed to a variety of econometric biases associated with the single-equation...
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This note gives a fairly complete statistical description of the Hodrick-Prescott Filter (1997) which has been proposed in the context of my seasonal adjustment method (Schlicht 1981, 1984). A statistics estimator for the smoothing parameter is proposed that is asymptotically equivalent to the...
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This paper considers forecast averaging when the same model is used but estimation is carried out over different estimation windows. It develops theoretical results for random walks when their drift and/or volatility are subject to one or more structural breaks. It is shown that compared to...
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To analyze whether stock-market prices follow a random walk, the algebraic sign of their returns has been compared with a coin toss, which is a prominent example for a Bernoulli trial with equiprobable outcomes. Like coin tosses, signed returns lend themselves for a simple runs test for...
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time. A reversion to the average is also observed, with no differences identified between mature and emerging financial …
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