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This paper combines income and expenditure with time use data to provide a unique picture of the time paths of labour supplies, saving and full consumption for two-adult households over the life cycle. These data are used to test the life cycle model presented in the paper, at the core of which...
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The paper seeks to add to the existing literature on aggregate and private savings by focusing on transition economies …, aggregate and private savings are driven by almost the same forces – this is the central focus of the paper. The most important …
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income. The goal of this paper is to test for the effect of mandatory pensions on discretionary household savings. The data … are drawn from the CentER Savings Survey, which consists of a representative and a highest-income-decile sample of Dutch … households. The survey contains rich information on house-hold wealth, pension rights and savings attitudes. A result of the …
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paper we study the effect of this developmenton the demand for second mortgages and on the savings of Dutch households. We …) the savings of renters that may be considered as would-beowners. We find a significant effect of home equity on the demand … for second mortgages.Savings of homeowners decrease when house prices accelerate. We find no evidence that inc …
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the savings rate is not homogeneous. On average, the effect attributed to real estate dominates the other components of … wealth. In addition, the savings rate strongly responds to demographic trends. Besides the direct impact of the age structure …, an indirect effect arises through the accumulation of wealth. The savings rate does not decrease with age in a monotonic …
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behavioural responses to pensions policy counterfactuals in Ireland. The model is based upon the life-cycle theory of behaviour …
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This paper shows that the combination of habit formation - present consumption creating additional consumption needs in the future - and myopia may explain why some retirees are forced to unretire, i.e., unexpectedly return to work. It also shows that when myopia about habit formation leads to...
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We consider a quasilinear parabolic equation with quadratic gradient terms. It arises in the modelling of an optimal portfolio which maximizes the expected utility from terminal wealth in incomplete markets consisting of risky assets and non-tradable state variables. The existence of solutions...
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This paper considers the intertemporal consumption/savings decision when income follows a random walk with drift and … precautionary savings and hence to accumulate more wealth than otherwise. In a calibration exercise it is shown that for a plausible …
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We analyse life-cycle saving decisions when households use simple heuristics, or rules of thumb, rather than solve the underlying intertemporal optimization problem. We simulate life-cycle saving decisions using three simple rules and compute utility losses relative to the solution of the...
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