Showing 1 - 10 of 104
In der Wertschöpfung der türkischen Landwirtschaft hat die Obst- und Gemüseproduktion große Bedeutung und Tafel- und Industrietomaten sind wiederum das wichtigste Einzelprodukt unter den Gemüsesorten. Das Papier beschreibt die Struktur und Entwicklung des Sektors seit den 1990-er Jahren und...
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The study focuses on the transport of vegetable and fruit produce from Mindanao, a major food producing area, to particular regions in Luzon and Visayas to meet increasing market demands. The estimated gravity model showed the key determinants of interregional trade. Economic growth in both...
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Az UNIDO nemzetközi fejlesztési szervezet szerint az eladó-vevõi kapcsolatok jellemzõen két okból bomlanak fel: 1) az eladó (termelõ) nem kellõen informált a vásárló igényeirõl, 2) az eladó (termelõ) nem képes teljesíteni ezeket az igényeket. Ennek az elvnek megfelelõen a...
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An emerging literature on standards, global supply chains, and development argues that enhanced quality and safety standards are major trade barriers for developing country exports and cause the marginalization of small businesses and poor households in developing countries. This paper is the...
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Methane is the second-most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas. Ruminant livestock are a major source of emissions. The expansion of pasture is one of the main drivers of deforestation, one of the larger sources of carbon dioxide emissions. An understanding of dietary choice is needed for...
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Mit den Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) haben sich die Mitglieder der Vereinten Nationen das Ziel gesetzt, die Lebensmittelabfälle entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette bis 2030 zu reduzieren. Ziel des REFOWAS-Projekts war es, den deutschen Agrar- und Ernährungssektor hinsichtlich der...
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The estimation of production functions suffers from an unresolved identification problem caused by flexible inputs, such as intermediate inputs. We develop an identification strategy for production functions based on a transformation of the firm's short-run first order condition that solves the...
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From a theoretical point of view, greater trade openness affects firm-level volatility by changing the exposure and the reaction of firms to macroeconomic shocks. The net effect is ambiguous, though. This paper provides firm-level evidence on the link between openness and volatility. Using two...
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Aggregated output in industrialized countries has become less volatile over the past decades. Whether this ?Great Moderation? can be found in firm level data as well remains disputed. We study the evolution of firm level output volatility using a balanced panel dataset on German firms that...
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Dieser Forschungsbericht beinhaltet die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung von 200 Familienbetrieben im Osten Georgiens im Distrikt Sighnagi in der Kakheti-Region Ende 2001/Anfang 2002. Sie dienten dem Ziel, Erkenntnisse über die wirtschaftliche Situation georgischer Familienbetriebe sowie zum Teil...
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