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This paper studies polar sets of anisotropic Gaussian random fields, i.e. sets which a Gaussian random field does not hit almost surely. The main assumptions are that the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix are bounded from below and that the canonical metric associated with the Gaussian random...
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We are concerned with the valuation of European options in Heston's stochastic volatility model with correlation. Based on Mellin transforms we present new closed-form solutions for the price of European options and hedging parameters. In contrast to Fourier-based approaches where the...
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uncertainty. Using the theory of (reflected) backward stochastic differential equations we are able to solve the optimal stopping … the analysis of exotic American options we highlight the main difference to classical single prior models. This is …
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The existence of an adapted solution to a backward stochastic differential equation which is not adapted to the filtration of the underlying Brownian motion is proved. This result is applied to the pricing of contingent claims. It allows to compare the prices of agents who have different...
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We review the relations between adjoints of stochastic control problems with the derivative of the value function, and …
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We provide results on the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium in dynamically incomplete financial markets in discrete time. Our framework allows for heterogeneous agents, unspanned random endowments and convex trading constraints. In the special case where all agents have preferences of the...
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On the temperature derivative market, modeling temperature volatility is an important issue for pricing and hedging. In …
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The importance of weather as a production factor in agriculture is well established long time and a significant portion … of yield fluctuations is caused by weather risks. Traditionally, farmers have tried to hedge against unfavorable weather … using insurance, such as crop insurance. In recent years a new class of instruments, so called weather derivatives, have …
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analyse new risk management instruments. This paper investigates weather derivatives for which a market has already emerged in … the USA. Contrary to traditional financial derivatives, their payoff is determined by future weather events, such as … impacts of weather derivatives and to assess their potential as farm level instruments of risk management. After outlining the …
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This paper suggests a simple method based on a Chebyshev approximation at Chebyshev nodes to approximate partial differential equations. It consists in determining the value function by using a set of nodes and basis functions. We provide two examples: pricing a European option and determining...
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