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Rapidly rising carbon emissions from the intense development of Western Canada's fossil fuels continue to aggravate the …
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Replacing combustion engine vehicles with battery electric vehicles (BEV) is essential to achieving climate objectives and advancing sustainable transportation, aligning with the United Nations Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. In this project, we identify three perception biases linked...
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We provide a nonparametric 'revealed preference' characterization of rational household behavior in terms of the collective consumption model, while accounting for general (possibly non-convex) individual preferences. We establish a Collective Axiom of Revealed Preference (CARP), which provides...
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To determine the welfare implications of price changes in demand data, we introduce a revealed preference relation over prices. We show that the absence of cycles in this relation characterizes a consumer who trades off the utility of consumption against the disutility of expenditure. Our model...
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South Korea's strategies for deploying battery electric vehicles (BEVs) primarily include providing purchase subsidies and expanding charging infrastructure. An empirical analysis of new vehicle registrations from 2019 to 2022 shows that investing in charging facilities is more costeffective...
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Die Anforderungen an die Konsumgüterdistribution verändern sich mit zunehmender Geschwindigkeit. Anhaltende Globalisierung, kürzere Produktlebenszyklen und Urbanisierung sowie neue Technologien sind Treiber dieser Veränderungen. Hinzu kommen die wachsende Bedeutung des Onlinehandels,...
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This essay analyzes the 1996 decision by the California Air Resources Board to revise its program for promoting the …In dem vorliegenden Papier wird die Entscheidung des California Air Resources Board (CARB) aus dem Jahre 1996, das …
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We compare the empirical performance of unitary and collective labor supply models, using representative data from the Dutch DNB Household Survey. We conduct a nonparametric analysis that avoids the distortive impact of an erroneously specified functional form for the preferences and/or the...
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We non-parametrically test a general collective consumption model with public consumption and externalities inside the household. We further propose a novel approach to model special cases of the general collective model. These special cases include alternative restrictions on the 'sharing rule'...
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We extend the nonparametric 'revealed preference' methodology for analyzing collective consumption behavior (with consumption externalities and public consumption), to render it useful for empirical applications that deal with welfare-related questions. First, we provide a nonparametric...
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