Showing 1 - 10 of 383
Gemessen an den gesamten Staatsausgaben oder am Sozialprodukt haben die Ausgaben für Rüstung in den meisten hochentwickelten und auch weniger entwickelten Ländern einen beträchtlichen Stellenwert. Dies gilt zwar nicht für Raumfahrtausgaben, doch zeigt das Beispiel der Vereinigten Staaten,...
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Das Projekt „Airbus" war lange Zeit aufgrund der hohen Subventionierung umstritten. Die Kritik hat sich gelegt, weil inzwischen meist angenommen wird, daß die Airbus-Industrie keine substantielle staatliche Förderung mehr erfährt. Wie umfangreich ist die staatliche Förderung aber tatsächlich?
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In this paper we present a general approach and methodology for modelling concentration dynamics on industrial level. The majority of research in this field has usually been focused on estimating adjustment models, where the speed of adjustment of actual level of concentration to the long-run...
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verloren, während die Automobil- und die Luftfahrtindustrie, aber auch die Ernährungsindustrie Beschäftigung aufgebaut haben …
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This paper replicates studies by Medoff and Abraham (1980, 1981) and Flabbi and Ichino (2001) using personnel data from the Dutch national aircraft manufacturer Fokker. It shows how a formal salary system, as is widely used by large firms, brings about that seniority-wage profiles are largely...
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This paper investigates differences in worker turnover characteristics between periods of workforce expansion and contraction in a firm. We derive a Cox proportional hazard model from a simple model of job separation based on the expected surpluses from the firm and its workers. We account for...
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Optimal layoff rules in closed form are derived for all workers in a firm that downsizes under uncertainty and faces heterogeneous firing costs. The theoretical model predicts that the firm displaces workers with low firing costs, low expected future productivity growth, and low layoff option...
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We examine the effect of exchange-rate misalignments on competition in the market for large commercial aircraft. This market is a duopoly where players compete in dollar-denominated prices while one of them, Airbus, incurs costs mostly in euros. We construct and calibrate a simulation model to...
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