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We study the competitive effects of five liquidations and six mergers in the domestic U.S. airline industry between 1995 and 2010. Applying fixed effects regression models we find that route exits due to liquidation lead to substantially larger price increases than mergerrelated exits. Within...
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This paper offers the first formal economic analysis of carve-outs under airline antitrust im- munity. Carve-outs are designed to limit the potential anticompetitive effects of cooperation by alliance partners in hub-to-hub markets, where they provide overlapping nonstop service. While the paper...
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Air transport networks have exhibited a trend towards complex dynamics in recent years. Using Lufthansa’s networks as an example, this paper aims to illustrate the relevance of various network indicators – such as connectivity and concentration – for the empirical analysis of airline...
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Der Markt für Flugverkehr ist durch einen intensiven Wettbewerb gekennzeichnet. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Branche, die traditionell durch eine hohe Regulierungsdichte gekennzeichnet war. Im Zuge der Liberalisierung erhöhte sich der Wettbewerbsdruck weiter. Korrespondierend veränderten...
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This paper uses merger simulations to predict post-merger prices for six major airline mergers from the 1980?s, and compares these predictions with actual post-merger prices. Simulations which incorporate varying degrees of post-merger information allow us to decompose the actual price changes...
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During the 1930s and 1940s, collective bargaining emerged as the workplace governance norm in much of the U.S. industrial sector. Following its peak in the 1950s, union density in the U.S. private sector fell steadily, to only 7.4 percent in 2006. Governance shifted from a formalized union norm...
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This paper examines the issue of market foreclosure by airline partnerships with antitrust immunity. Overlapping the data on frequency of service and passenger volumes on nonstop routes on the transatlantic airline market with the information on dynamics of airline partnerships, we find evidence...
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The paper investigates the construction of a low cost airline network by analyzing JetBlue Airways' entry decisions into nonstop domestic U.S. airport-pair markets between 2000 and 2009. Adopting duration models with time-varying covariates, we find that JetBlue consistently avoided concentrated...
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The article studies the evolution of the U.S airline industry from 1995 to 2009 using T-100 traffic data and DB1B fare data from the U.S. Department of Transportation. Based on a differentiation in market size and major players, entry and exit, concentration, fares, service, costs and profits,...
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The paper estimates the effects of entry by low-cost carrier JetBlue Airways in long-haul domestic U.S. airline markets. For the period from 2000 to 2009, we find that non-stop fares were on average about 21 percent lower post-entry; however, the magnitude of the price effect depends on the...
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