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risk can transfer it to nancial markets via weather derivatives. We develop a utility-based model for pricing baskets of … weather derivatives in over-the-counter markets under counterparty default risk. In our model, agents maximise the expected …
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is that a risk neutral informed agent's holdings of the short-lived security affect his trading behavior: Past informed …
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This paper develops a model in which information losses may be an important part of the cost of an OTC derivatives dealer's failure. A dealer failure forces solvent counterparties of a failed dealer to seek replacement hedges with other dealers. However, by forcing good firms into the...
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This paper develops a discrete-time two-factor model of interest rates with analytical solutions for bonds and many interest rate derivatives when the volatility of the short rate follows a GARCH process that can be correlated with the level of the short rate itself. Besides bond and bond...
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volatility derivatives—derivatives that essentially help investors hedge the unpredictable volatility risk. This paper … volatility risk premium, nor is it predicated on the strong assumption of the existence of a continuum of options of all strikes … trading only in the underlying asset (on whose volatility the derivative exists) and a risk-free asset. This bypasses the …
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certain subsets of OBS transactions (e.g., exchange traded) are related to such things as interest rate risk measures …, organizational form, and other characteristics that may discriminate between desired risk/return profiles across a cross-section of … contracts (GICs), collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs), and other sources of financial risk. …
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Previous studies on interest rate derivatives have been limited by the relatively short history of most traded derivative securities. The prices for callable U.S. Treasury securities, available for the period 1926–95, provide the sole source of evidence concerning the implied volatility of...
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and that, conditional on having risk exposures large enough to warrant participation, firms with a larger appetite for … risk will be less willing than average to pay this marginal cost. …
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This paper analyses public policy choices in the security economy from an economic perspective. It discusses the role of public goods for national and global security and identifies the importance of the first- and second-order indirect effects of insecurity on economic activity, which include...
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The risk of investment in schooling has largely been ignored. We assess the variance in the rate of return by surveying … positively skewed. Our best guess of ex ante risk in university education is a coefficient of variation of about 0.3, comparable …
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