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Understanding the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on education is vital for guiding teachers in developing educational tools. AI in education (AIEd) comes not only with opportunities but mostly with challenges for both educators and learners. Finding the proper tools to integrate AI into...
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The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a controversial subject, but at the same time it is perceived to be the most comprehensive international agreement on free trade and investment protection. Among the topics that evoke criticism on the part of different social groups is...
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Fiscal governance oznacza kombinacje instytucji, zasad i norm, definiujacych dobre rzadzenie (tzw. good governance) w dziedzinie polityki fiskalnej. Jest specyficznym mechanizmem koordynacji polityki fiskalnej, poslugujacym sie takimi narzedziami, jak: procedura budzetowa (legislacyjne reguly...
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Today tourism is one of the economic fields with a bigger contribution to the GDP in some countries. Lately these countries have witnessed how this industry became key to their economy. France, Spain Italy and Greece too, the so-called 'Mediterranean Arch' stand out within the framework of the...
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Depuis la guerre russe en Ukraine, de nombreux pays européens se sont efforcés de trouver des sources d'énergie alternatives. L'une des réponses consistait à augmenter les importations de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL). En contournant l'utilisation de gazoducs venant de l'Est en construisant...
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Le continent africain devient de plus en plus un champ de bataille dans la course entre les superpuissances pour l'accès aux minéraux essentiels à la « révolution verte », tels que les minéraux des terres rares (REE). Les entreprises chinoises, américaines et russes jouent un rôle...
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L'Afrique est confrontée à certains des conflits les plus violents et brutaux du monde. Les missions de maintien de la paix jouent un rôle crucial dans la préservation de la stabilité et de la sécurité dans les régions en proie à des conflits, en particulier en Afrique subsaharienne....
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In July 2020, the EU Parliament voted in favour of Croatia’s application to become the newest member of the eurozone from January 1, 2023. Despite the setback caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it met all the criteria for adopting the euro, high inflation, and the impact of Russia’s invasion...
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The EU is one of the three largest economies in the world. But its economy, which is still suffering from the cCOVID-19 pandemic and the negative effects of the Russian war in Ukraine, faces a bleak outlook. Inflation, or even stagflation, is a major concern as it reflects cost pressures from...
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This paper puts the Reinhart-Rogoff dataset to a formal econometric testing to see whether public debt has a negative nonlinear effect on growth if public debt exceeds 90% of GDP. Using nonlinear threshold models, we show that the negative nonlinear relationship between debt and growth is very...
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