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In this article we introduce robustness measures in the context of multi-objective integer linear programming problems. The proposed measures are in line with the concept of decision robustness, which considers the uncertainty with respect to the implementation of a specific solution. An...
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Extreme weather events pose an economic threat to farms. The risk management behaviour against such events is often studied using prospect theory as a framework, but empirically deriving corresponding parameters in the field involving farmers is challenging. To address this issue, we compare...
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Environmental managers face substantial uncertainty when deciding on management actions. To reduce this uncertainty prior to decision-making, collecting new data may help arrive at more informed decisions. Whether any resulting improvement in the decision will outweigh the cost of collecting the...
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A ranking method assigns to every weighted directed graph a (weak) orderingof the nodes. In this paper we axiomatize the ranking method that ranksthe nodes according to their outflow using four independent axioms. This outflowranking method generalizes the ranking by outdegree for directed...
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Socio-economic criteria for climate projects have been used in analysing the value of the climate benefit of a reduction in CO2. These reports are optimistic, yet CCS demonstration plants are not implemented as expected. Little attention has been devoted to profitability assessments based on...
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Background: Decision-analytic modelling (DAM) has become a widespread method in health technology assessments (HTA), but the extent to which modelling is used differs among international HTA institutions. In Germany, the use of DAM is optional within HTAs of the German Institute of Medical...
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As it is well known, universities constitute sources of important multiplier effects on the economic activity of the regions where they are located. Plainly, in the case of economically depressed regions, the importance of universities becomes higher. This is certainly the case with the...
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We derive price limits as decision aids for identifying favorable and unfavorable contracts from the perspective of a selling firm in face of uncertain outcomes. The analysis is based on the concept of almost stochastic dominance to incorporate incomplete information about the decision-maker's...
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In competitive and high-reward domains such as corporate leadership and entrepreneurship, women are not only underrepresented but they are also more likely to drop-out after failure. In this study, we conducted a laboratory experiment to investigate the influence of attributing failure to one of...
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This paper explores a decision analysis on product integration of family security services and residential fire insurance in the London and Taiwan markets by using the proposed mathematical models for counting sustainable value. This paper shows the five main different results between London and...
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