Showing 1 - 10 of 13
For an AR(1) process with ARCH(1) errors, we propose empirical likelihood tests for testing whether the sequence is strictly stationary but has infinte variance, or the sequence is an ARCH(1) sequence or the sequence is an iid sequence. Moreover, an empirical likelihood based confidence interval...
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In general, risk of an extreme outcome in financial markets can be expressed as a function of the tail copula of a high-dimensional vector after standardizing marginals. Hence it is of importance to model and estimate tail copulas. Even for moderate dimension, nonparametrically estimating a tail...
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Recently there has been an increasing interest in applying elliptical distributions to risk management. Under weak conditions, Hult and Lindskog (2002) showed that a random vector with an elliptical distribution is in the domain of attraction of a multivariate extreme value distribution. In this...
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Estimators of the extreme-value index are based on a set of upper order statistics. We present an adaptivemethod to choose the number of order statistics involved in an optimal way, balancing variance and biascomponents. Recently this has been achieved for the similar but somewhat less involved...
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In certain cases partial sums of i.i.d. random variables with finite variance are better approximated by asequence of stable distributions with indices alpha n - 2 than by a normal distribution. We discusswhen this happens and how much the convergence rate can be improved by using penultimate...
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The paper characterizes first and second order tail behavior ofconvolutions of i.i.d. heavy tailed random variables with supporton the real line. The result is applied to the problem of riskdiversification in portfolio analysis and to the estimation of theparameter in a MA(1) model.
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This paper will present empirical evidence on the wider spatial-economic impacts of High Speed Trains (HSTs) at the intra-regional level. It represents follow-up research to a previous empirical study at inter-regional level, based on UKIC125- an upgraded HST system. The findings suggest that...
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Assume we have a dataset, Z say, from the joint distribution of random variables X and Y , and two further, independent datasets, X and Y, from the marginal distributions of X and Y , respectively. We wish to combine X, Y and Z, so as to construct an estimator of the joint density. This problem...
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There is agreement within industrial organisation economics that an inverted U-shape relationship exists between the level of competition in an industry and the level of innovation in that industry. Thus, when consolidation changes the level of competition in an industry we might expect this to...
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Standard approaches to constructing nonparametric confidence bands for functions are frustrated by the impact of bias, which generally is not estimated consistently when using the bootstrap and conventionally smoothed function estimators. To overcome this problem it is common practice to either...
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